CS35 Header Files and the Standard Template Library

This page contains the various Abstract Data Types we have seen so far in the course. It will be updated as we cover more data structures.
Abstract Data Types
Wrappers for STL
The STL pair Class

The pair class is part of the C++ standard template library (STL). It is defined in the the utility library and acts as a simple container of two values. We write pair<T1,T2> to create an object of two values. The first value has type T1; the second has type T2. For isntance, a pair<int,string> is an object with a field first of type int and a field second of type string.

Unlike the classes we have been writing, the pair class knows how to make copies of itself by assignment; that is, you can use = assignment with a pair just like you would with an int. Consider the following code:

pair<int,string> p1(4, "apple"); // create an int*string pair
pair<int,string> p2 = p1;        // copy the values from p1 into p2
p1.first = 5;                    // change p1's integer to 5
cout << p2.first << endl;        // prints 4, since p2's int is a different variable
pair<int,string>* ptr1 = new pair<int,string>(8,"orange"); // dynamically allocate a pair
pair<int,string>* ptr2 = ptr1;   // this copies the *pointer*, not the pair
ptr1->first = 10;                // change the dynamically-allocated object's integer to 10
cout << ptr2->first << endl;     // prints 10, since both pointers point to the same pair object

In the above, p1 and p2 are statically-allocated objects. Although none of the statically allocated objects we have used so far have been copyable (other than string objects), pair objects can be copied. Note how copying a pair object is different from copying a pair pointer. In this lab, you won’t need any pair pointers, so you don’t really need to worry about that case.

The STL vector Class

The vector<T> class, found in the vector library, is the C++ STL implementation of an array list. It is used somewhat differently from our List<T> interface. Here’s a handy translation guide:

Operation List code vector code
Insert at front myList.insertAtHead(value) no simple equivalent
Insert at back myList.insertAtTail(value) myVector.push_back(value)
Determine size myList.getSize() myVector.size()
Get element by index    myList.get(index) myVector[index]
Set element by index no equivalent myVector[index] = value
Remove from back myList.removeTail() myVector.pop_back()

One other difference is that the pop_back method is void; you must retrieve the last element yourself if you want to see that element before it is removed.

The primary reason that we introduce vector for this class is because vectors can also be copied just like pairs. Consider the following code:

List<int>* listPointer1 = new STLList<int>; // create a pointer to a new List
List<int>* listPointer2 = listPointer1;  // copy the pointer
listPointer1->insertAtTail(4);           // add an element
cout << listPointer2->getSize() << endl; // prints 1; they point to the same List
LinkedList<int> list1;                   // create a statically-allocated list
LinkedList<int> list2 = list1;           // illegal! Lists don't know how to copy themselves!

vector<int> vector1;                     // create a statically-allocated
vector<int> vector2 = vector1;           // vectors do know how to copy themselves
cout << vector2.size() << endl;          // prints 2 (since both elements were copied)
vector1[0] = 2;                          // assigns 2 to the first position of vector 1
cout << vector2[0] << endl;              // prints 4; vector 2 is a different vector