CS35 Binary Search Tree ADT

#pragma once
/* Copyright (c) 2018
   Swarthmore College Computer Science Department, Swarthmore PA
   A. Danner, M. Gagne, J. Brody, Z. Palmer, A. Soni, L. Meeden
   Distributed as course material for Spring 2018
   CPSC 035: Data Structures and Algorithms

#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "dictionary.h"

using std::pair;
using std::vector;

 * The interface for a binary search tree.  Note that it is a template
 * definition based on a type for key (K) and type for value (V).  A BST is a
 * dictionary structure; that is, elements are indexed by key and all keys must
 * be unique.  This interface therefore inherits from the Dictionary interface.
 * @tparam K The type of keys in the BST.
 * @tparam V The type of values in the BST.
template <typename K, typename V>
class BST : public Dictionary<K,V> {
    virtual ~BST() {};

    /* See dictionary.h for a description of these methods */
    virtual int getSize() = 0;
    virtual bool isEmpty() = 0;
    virtual void insert(K key, V value) = 0;
    virtual void update(K key, V value) = 0;
    virtual V get(K key) = 0;
    virtual bool contains(K key) = 0;
    virtual void remove(K key) = 0;
    virtual vector<K> getKeys() = 0;
    virtual vector<pair<K,V>> getItems() = 0;

    // The following methods are unique to the BST interface

     * Returns a height for the tree (i.e., largest depth for any leaf node).
     * @return The height of this tree (or -1 if the tree is empty).
    virtual int getHeight() = 0;

    * Returns the smallest key in this tree.
    * @return The minimum key in the BST.
    * @throws runtime_error If this BST is empty.
    virtual K getMinKey() = 0;

     * Returns the largest key in this tree.
     * @return The maximum key in the BST.
     * @throws runtime_error If this BST is empty.
    virtual K getMaxKey() = 0;

     * Obtains a pre-order traversal of the key-value pairs in this BST.
     * @return An STL vector containing all key-value pairs in this BST.  This
     *         vector is guaranteed to return the elements in a pre-order
     *         traversal.
    virtual vector<pair<K,V>> traversePreOrder() = 0;

     * Obtains a in-order traversal of the key-value pairs in this BST.
     * @return An STL vector containing all key-value pairs in this BST.  This
     *         vector is guaranteed to return the elements in a in-order
     *         traversal.
    virtual vector<pair<K,V>> traverseInOrder() = 0;

     * Obtains a post-order traversal of the key-value pairs in this BST.
     * @return An STL vector containing all key-value pairs in this BST.  This
     *         vector is guaranteed to return the elements in a post-order
     *         traversal.
    virtual vector<pair<K,V>> traversePostOrder() = 0;

     * Obtains a level-order traversal of the key-value pairs in this BST.
     * @return An STL vector containing all key-value pairs in this BST.  This
     *         vector is guaranteed to return the elements in a level-order
     *         traversal.
    virtual vector<pair<K,V>> traverseLevelOrder() = 0;

     *You can safely ignore the following code.  This eliminates some default
     * class routines, preventing you from using them accidentally.
     * Specifically, we are disabling the use of the copy constructor and the
     * copy assignment operator.  You can read more here:
     * http://www.cplusplus.com/articles/y8hv0pDG/
    BST() {}

    /* disable copy constructor, assignment operator */
    BST(const BST& other) = delete;
    BST& operator=(const BST& other) = delete;