CS35 Graph ADT

#pragma once
/* Copyright (c) 2018
   Swarthmore College Computer Science Department, Swarthmore PA
   A. Danner, M. Gagne, J. Brody, Z. Palmer, A. Soni, L. Meeden
   Distributed as course material for Spring 2018
   CPSC 035: Data Structures and Algorithms

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <cs35/edge.h>

using std::vector;
using std::ostream;

 * Graph is a class representing directed or undirected, weighted graphs.
 * @tparam V a type to represent the vertex labels
 * @tparam E a type to represent the edge labels
 * @tparam W a type to represent the weight (usually an int, float, or double)
template <typename V, typename E, typename W>
class Graph {
    virtual ~Graph() {}

     * Retrieves all vertices in the graph.
     * @return The vertices in this graph.
    virtual vector<V> getVertices() = 0;

     * Adds a vertex to this graph.
     * @param v The vertex to add.
    virtual void insertVertex(V v) = 0;

     * Removes a vertex from the graph.
     * @param v The vertex to remove.
     * @throws runtime_error If the provided vertex is not in the graph.
    virtual void removeVertex(V v) = 0;

     * Determines if a vertex is in this graph.
     * @param v The vertex to check.
     * @return true if the vertex is in the graph; false if it is not.
    virtual bool containsVertex(V v) = 0;

     * Adds a edge to this graph.
     * @param source The source vertex for the edge.
     * @param destination The destination vertex for the edge.
     * @param label The label of the edge to add.
     * @param weight The weight of the edge to add.
     * @throws runtime_error If an edge already exists between the given source
     *                       and target.
    virtual void insertEdge(V src, V dest, E label, W weight) = 0;

     * Removes an edge from this graph.
     * @param source The source vertex for the edge.
     * @param destination The destination vertex for the edge.
     * @throws runtime_error If the edge does not exist.
    virtual void removeEdge(V src, V dest) = 0;

     * Determines if this graph contains an edge.
     * @param source The source vertex for the edge.
     * @param destination The destination vertex for the edge.
     * @return true if the graph contains that edge; false if it does not.
    virtual bool containsEdge(V source, V destination) = 0;

     * Retrieves an edge from this graph.
     * @param source The source vertex for the edge.
     * @param destination The destination vertex for the edge.
     * @return The edge.
     * @throws runtime_error If the edge does not exist.
    virtual Edge<V,E,W> getEdge(V source, V destination) = 0;

     * Retrieves all edges from this graph.
     * @return A vector containing every edge in this graph.
    virtual vector<Edge<V,E,W> > getEdges() = 0;

     * Retrieves all edges with a common source.
     * @param source The source vertex.
     * @return All edges in the graph which leave that source vertex.
    virtual vector<Edge<V,E,W> > getOutgoingEdges(V source) = 0;

     * Retrieves all edges with a common destination.
     * @param destination The destination vertex for the edge.
     * @return All edges in the graph which enter that destination vertex.
    virtual vector<Edge<V,E,W> > getIncomingEdges(V destination) = 0;

     * Retrieves all vertices which are reachable by an edge with the provided
     * source vertex.
     * @param source The source vertex.
     * @return All vertices in the graph which are a destination for an edge
     *         that has the given source.
    virtual vector<V> getNeighbors(V source) = 0;

    // You can safely ignore the following code.  This eliminates some default
    // class routines, preventing you from using them accidentally.
    // Specifically, we are disabling the use of the copy constructor and the
    // copy assignment operator.  You can read more here:
    //   http://www.cplusplus.com/articles/y8hv0pDG/
    Graph() { }
    Graph(const Graph& other) = delete;
    Graph& operator=(const Graph& other) = delete;