CS68 - Bioinformatics
Fall 2014

Student support

To provide additional help have I established a class newsgroup through Piazza (linked on the Course Basics page). If you have questions outside of office hours, you can post the question to the class and/or privately to the instructors through Piazza. Please use Piazza for all course content/lab topics. Try to use email for solely administrative purposes (e.g., making an appointment). This allows students to see common problems and to also engage in discussions about course topics. Students are expected to regularly check the discussion page. Students are expected to follow the posting policy outlined on Piazza. For example, you should not post solutions to homework/lab questionn. Your post will be deleted if it is attempting to fish debugging solutions without specific inquiries. Please keep any code to small snippets (2-3 lines) and avoid code that addresses key elements of the programming assignment. Students are encouraged to respond to other student's questions as this will form part of your participation grade.

Academic accommodations

If you believe that you need accommodations for a disability, please contact Leslie Hempling in the Office of Student Disability Services (Parrish 113) or email lhempli1@swarthmore.edu to arrange an appointment to discuss your needs. As appropriate, she will issue students with documented disabilities a formal Accommodations Letter. Since accommodations require early planning and are not retroactive, please contact her as soon as possible. For details about the accommodations process, visit the Student Disability Service Website at http://www.swarthmore.edu/academic-advising-support/welcome-to-student-disability-service. You are also welcome to contact me [the faculty member] privately to discuss your academic needs. However, all disability-related accommodations must be arranged through the Office of Student Disability Services. To receive an accommodation for a course activity you must have an Accommodation Authorization letter from Leslie Hempling and you need to meet with me to work out the details of your accommodation at least two weeks prior to any activity requiring accommodations.