David Mauskop

Science Center 262A
Office hours: Thursday, 3-5pm

I'm a lecturer in the computer science department at Swarthmore College. This semester I'm teaching CS 21 with Lila Fontes, Lisa Meeden, and Ameet Soni and CS 31 with Rich Wicentowski.

Prior to arriving at Swarthmore, I earned a master's in machine learning at Columbia University. There I researched frame-semantic parsing of natural language text with Owen Rambow and taught Java programming with John Kender. I also have a bachelor's degree in CS from Princeton University, where I researched balanced binary search trees with Bob Tarjan and TA'ed a course for non-CS majors called "Computers in our World," taught by Brian Kernighan.

In addition to machine learning and natural language processing, I study functional programming languages.