Exploring the limits of what computers can do


Grades will be tentatively weighted as follows:

  • 30% homework assignments
  • 5% participation and clicker quizzes
  • 10% pop quizzes
  • 15% midterm exam 1
  • 15% midterm exam 2
  • 25% final exam

Most lab assignments will consist of in-class exercises and will not be graded. Expect roughly eleven homework assignments during the semester. (These will be weighted equally in contributing to the above 40%.) You'll be able to work with a partner on several but not all of them; each homework assignment will specify if working with a partner is allowed.

Homework Policy

Homework is real. Written homework will typically go out Monday afternoon and be due at 11:59pm the next Sunday. We should have around 11 homework assignments. The initial couple of homeworks will be individual assignments; after the first few weeks, this might change. You must write your solutions in LaTeX and submit .tex (and any supporting files) using git. Resources for LaTex are here. Submitted .tex files which do not compile are worth zero points.

Extra credit is imaginary. In many of the homework assignments, there will be one or two extra credit problems. These problems are completely optional -- do not feel obligated in any way to complete these problems. Extra credit is awarded in imaginary points (multiples of √(-1)); only the real component of your grade determines your letter grade. At best, the imaginary component might be used to make up some credit lost by not handing in assignments on time. Please contact me if you have questions about the extra credit policy, or real and imaginary numbers.

Late days. Each student will be given 3 late days for the semester. This will encompass any reason---illness, interviews, paper deadlines, hackathons, etc. For partnered assignments, both students need to have late days to use them. If only one partner has late days remaining, you cannot use late days for the assignment. Once you use up your late days, further late assignments will not be accepted except in very unusual extreme circumstances. Even if you do not fully complete an assignment, you should submit what you have to receive partial credit.

You do not need to notify my ahead of time to use late day(s). Instead, push your completed submission to github, and email me to inform me of the late submission.

Absences and extensions. If you feel that you need an extension on an assignment or that you are unable to attend class for two or more meetings due to a medical condition (e.g., extended illness, concussion, hospitalization) or family emergency, you must provide your instructors with official documentation from the dean's office or student health center. Their documentation will help us to provide the appropriate accommodations.

Exam Policy

Students must strictly adhere to the following policy, which applies to all exams taken in a Computer Science course at Swarthmore:

    Exam takers must place all non-essential items at the front of the room (or other designated area). Unless otherwise permitted, students may not have any electronic devices or course materials in their possession during the entirety of the exam. This includes cell phones, tablets, laptops, smart watches, course notes, articles and books, among others. These items should be placed at the front of the room near the proctor. If you need to leave the room during the exam, you must obtain permission from an instructor first. Any non-permitted discussion or aide in regards to exam material will result in immediate forfeiture of the exam and a report to the College Judiciary Committee. Please discuss any concerns or accommodations with your instructor prior to starting the exam.

Unusual Exam Policies

Exams are an opportunity for you to demonstrate your awesome mastery of the course material. For any timed evaluation (pop quizzes, midterms, exams) in this class the following policy is in effect:
    You will earn 25% for any question you leave blank, or cross out all work and write “I cannot answer this question.”
This policy is designed to relieve some test-taking pressure, reward you for knowing the limits of your own abilities, and discourage you from writing a word salad on the exam (e.g., "here's every keyword I know!"). This policy is not in effect on homework and lab assignments, where my expectation is that you will spend the time necessary to learn and master the material.

There is often a small amount (1%) of real-valued extra credit available on exams for students who write a joke, draw a meme, have a clever course-related pun, or express how they feel about the class in a diagram. Some students have told me that they enjoy preparing this joke as part of the studying process.