Nothing is Wrong that isn't Wrong Already

Some people, including women, believe that there is nothing special about computer science (or the sciences in general) that makes it harder for women to stay interested. In fact, here at Swarthmore, there are female students who view the sciences this way. In collecting data for a study to determine the feasibility of a "women in science" residence, Beth Tsai received replies indicating that some women here do not want "special treatment." A few excerpts follow:

This sentiment seems to be widely recognized as an existing feeling. In "Building the Digital Systerhood," an interview with Systers and IWT founder Anita Borg, the interviewer, Lakshmi Chaudhry, mentions that, "One of the views of these declining numbers could be that girls and women are just not interested in math and the sciences." (see Lakshmi Chaudhry's "Building the Digital Systerhood" in Wired Online) Borg goes on to counter this argument, but the point is that it exists in the public consciousness.