CS21 Lab 9: Country Class Documentation

These are the method functions of the Country Class:

the Constructor

The constructor creates a new Country object.

Country(name, co2_vals, pop_1960, pop_2020, gdp_1960, gdp_2020):
Creates a new Country object with passed values:

  name: the name of the country (str)
  CO2_vals: list of 5 CO2 emission values for 1960, 1980, 2000, 2020, 2022
            (list of float)
  pop_1960: 1960 population in Millions (float)
  pop_2020: 2020 population in Millions (float)
  gdp_1960: 1960 GDP in Billions of US dollars (float)
  gdp_2020: 2020 GDP in Billions of US dollars (float)
  • An example call:

    co2_list = [13.0868, 31.777, 42.11, 41.231, 40.808]
    nor = Country("Norway", co2_list, 3.581239, 5.379475, 5.163271598, 362.1983184)


Gets the country’s CO2 emissions level for a given year.

Get the country's CO2 emission level for the passed year

year: an int value (should be one of 1960, 1980, 2000, 2020, or 2022)
returns: returns the countries CO2 emission level for the passed year
         returns -1 if the country has no reported level for that year
         returns -2 if the passed year is invalid
  • An example call:

    val = nor.getCO2(1980)


Returns a list of CO2 values for the years 1960, 1980, 2000, 2020, 2022. The list may be modified by the caller.

def getCO2Vals():
 Returns a list of CO2 values for the Country for the years
 (1960, 1980, 2000, 2020, and 2022) in that order.
 The caller can modify the returned list.
  • An example call:

    vals = nor.getCO2Vals()


Gets the country’s GDP for a given year.

Get the country's GDP in the passed year

year: one of 1960 or 2020 (int)
returns: the GDP value of the passed year (float)
         or returns -2 if the passed year in invalid
  • An example call:

    gdp = nor.getGDP(2020)


Get the country’s name.

Get the country's Name

returns: the name of the country (str)
  • An example call:

    name = nor.getName()


Get the country’s Population for a given year.


Get the country's population in the passed year

year: one of 1960 or 2020 (int)
returns: the population value of the passed year (float)
         or returns -2 if the passed year in invalid
  • An example call:

    pop = nor.getPopulation(1960)

print a Country object

To print out information about a Country object call the print function passing it a Country object.

  • An example call:


    This call would result in the following output:

      1960 pop:     3.581239  2020 pop:     5.379475
      1960 GDP:     5.163272  2020 GDP:   362.198318
              1960         1980         2000         2020         2022
         13.086800    31.777000    42.110000    41.231000    40.808000