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Tags for Fort Minor

hip-hop, rap, hip hop, alternative, rock, alternative rock

Predicted tags

rock, alternative, metalcore, hip-hop, electronic, etc.

Fort Minor
's photo
Closest photo Tags in common with
Fort Minor
Tags different from
Fort Minor
Queens of the Stone Age

rock, alternative rock, alternative

hard rock, metal, indie

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metalcore, metal, hardcore, emo

Cute Is What We Aim For

alternative, rock, alternative rock

emo, indie, pop, indie rock

The Future Sound of London


electronic, ambient, electronica, chillout, experimental, trip-hop, techno, psychedelic

Notorious B.I.G.

hip-hop, rap, hip hop


Artist Image Browser. Jānis Lībeks (, Douglas Turnbull. Swarthmore College, 2010.