


Due on Monday, February 20th at 11:59 PM. This is a compiler lab. If you have a partner, the two of you will complete this lab as a team. If you do not have a partner, you are effectively in a team by yourself.

If you are working with a partner, please be familiar with the Partner Etiquette guidelines. You and your partner share a single repository and, barring unusual circumstances, will receive the same grade. If you experience any difficulties in your partnership, please alert your instructor as soon as possible.

If you are working alone, please don’t hesitate to seek help if you get stuck. Since there are no ninjas for this course and you don’t have a partner, your instructor is the only interactive resource available to you and is happy to help you through any problems you might encounter.

In either case, be familiar with the academic integrity policy! You are permitted to discuss high-level details of your compiler project with other students, but you should never see or share anything that will be turned in for a grade. If you need help, please post on the Piazza forum or, if necessary, contact the instructor directly. Make sure to post privately if you are sharing code. If you have any doubts about what is okay and what is not, it’s much safer to ask than to risk violating the Academic Integrity Policy.


This lab will extend the Boa compiler to new language called Cobra, which includes boolean values and operations as well as a printing primitive. We will also modify the compiler to use a memory layout which permits Cobra programs to check the types of values at runtime and ensures that types are not used incorrectly. Throughout the semester, these compiler extensions will use the same Git repository, just as your previous assignment did.

This page will:

Transitioning to Cobra

As with the previous lab, you will find some new files in your repository; make sure to git pull. The new contents are:

To create a compiler for Cobra, begin by opening and changing the LANGUAGE variable from boa to cobra. Then, run make clean and make. If everything goes well, your code will compile (with warnings).

Cobra is an extension of the Boa language, so everything that worked in Boa should still work now. You can verify this by running your unit tests now. Even if the compilation of your unit tests produces warnings, you should have no trouble getting your unit tests to pass (as long as they did before).

The Cobra Language

We begin by introducing the concrete syntax, the abstract syntax, and the semantics of the Cobra language. The primary syntactic differences are the presence of booleans and several new operators, including print: an operator which will display any value.

Concrete Syntax

The concrete syntax of Cobra is:

<expression> ::=
  | true
  | false
  | <integer>
  | <identifier>
  | let <identifier> = <expression> in <expression>
  | if <expression> then <expression> else <expression>
  | inc(<expression>)
  | dec(<expression>)
  | print(<expression>)
  | isbool(<expression>)
  | isint(<expression>)
  | <expression> + <expression>
  | <expression> - <expression>
  | <expression> * <expression>
  | <expression> < <expression>
  | <expression> > <expression>
  | <expression> = <expression>
  | <expression> && <expression>
  | <expression> || <expression>
  | (<expression>)

Syntactic precedence still follows OCaml. In order from highest to lowest precedence, the operators are:

Abstract Syntax

As with Boa, the abstract syntax comes in two parts: the surface syntax and the A-normal form. Examine src/language/cobra/ to see how the abstract grammar has changed.


Cobra has two distinct types of values: integers and booleans. These values are distinct in that there is no situation in which any integer value (e.g. 4) should be interchangeable with any boolean value (e.g. true) and vice versa; that is, 4 < true always results in a runtime error rather than producing a value. Enforcing this will require changes throughout the compiler.

Memory Representation

The Boa compiler only had one type – integers – and stored all of its values in 32-bit signed form. Conditionals in Boa simply treated 0 as false and everything else as 1. We will instead choose a memory layout that distinguishes these types of values:

Note that, in this representation, the rightmost bit of every integer is 0 and the rightmost bit of both booleans is 1. We will discuss below a strategy for adjusting the compiler to use this representation.


A new unary operator (similar to inc and dec) called print appears in Cobra’s syntax. This operator prints out a human-readable text representation of its argument and then returns that same value. The argument is in terms of our representation above, so we interpret that representation in the new resource file printer.c. We use another C file here (similar to our driver.c) so we can print messages without being concerned about the system-specific details of interacting with the user.

Note that this printing occurs independently from the printing of the final value once the program is finished. For instance, the code

let x = 4 in
let y = print(x) in
print(y + 6)

will print


The 4 is printed by the expression print(x); this expression also evaluates to 4, so y is bound to 4. This means that print(y + 6) will print 10 and also evaluate to 10. Since the overall expression evaluates to 10, this is printed when the program terminates.


The semantics of Cobra also include error conditions, when we will terminate the program at runtime without producing a value. When an error arises, we will print a message and terminate the program with a non-zero exit code. (The implementation of this is discussed below.) The following conditions will produce an error:

In a fashion similar to the above, we will handle errors using the error.c resource file. This file defines a C function which will print a message and immediately terminate the process with the provided error code.

As an example, the code

let x = 4 in
if x - 4 then 5 else 0

will terminate with exit code 2 because x - 4 evaluates to an integer and not a boolean. Implementing this functionality will temporarily break your unit tests. Don’t worry; they’ll still be useful and we’ll fix them before we’re finished!

Interacting with the World

The features of Cobra allow the programmer to interact with the rest of the system in a more meaningful way. To do this, you’ll need to know the C function calling conventions so your code can call (and be called by) C correctly. You’ll also need to use some new assembly instructions.

C Calling Conventions

Code that either calls or is called by a C function must conform to a set of conventions in order to be linked properly. Each call has a caller (the code making the function call) and a callee (the code of the function being called). The convention is this:

There are also requirements for the caller and callee to protect the values of certain registers. For instance, if the caller cares about the value in eax, it is the duty of the caller to save that value (since the callee is expected to overwrite it). We are not using any registers that require special handling right now, so we don’t have to worry about this.

Allocating Enough Stack Space

So far, we’ve been intentionally sloppy about how we access stack memory: we’ve just been using memory beyond the location stored in esp. In the C calling convention, however, we are expected to move esp to make room for our local variables. In particular, all of our local variables should live between ebp and esp.

In observing this calling convention, you can just change all of your esp offsets to use ebp instead. Then, to make sure that functions that you call do not use this memory, you must adjust esp to account for all of your local variables. One way to address this is to write a special function to count the number of local variables used at one time; then, you can call this function from within your compile_program function. Here’s a stub to get you started:

let rec count_vars_in_c_expression (ce : c_expr) : int =
  failwith "TODO"

and count_vars_in_a_expression (ae : a_expr) : int =
  failwith "TODO"

New Assembly Constructors

Here are some constructors you’ll probably want to include in your file.

Implementing the Cobra Compiler

Here’s a strategy you can use to transition from Boa to Cobra incrementally, which will hopefully make the process easier.

  1. As stated above, change to that it refers to cobra rather than boa. Once you do this, you should make clean and make tests. You’ll get several compiler warnings, but your tests should run just fine (as long as they did when you finished Boa!).

  2. Now, change driver.c to use the printValue function instead of printf. The printValue function is in the printer.c file, so you’ll need to do two things:

    • Add #include "printer.h" to driver.c, as is usual for C programs
    • Open and add both printer.c and error.c to the list runtime_code. This list contains the names of all of the C source files that we use in our compiled programs.

    Once you’ve finished making these changes, run your tests again. They will fail because your programs are using a signed 32-bit representation of integers but the printValue function expects to print a type-tagged integer. You’ll know everything is working if the printed values are half of what they should be.

  3. Change your compilation functions to generate values using the type-tagged representation discussed above: integers are bit-shifted to the left by one and have their lowest bit set to zero. Don’t worry about error checking or if-then-else yet. Once you’ve fixed this, all of your tests should pass.

  4. Write code for the AST nodes that are new to Cobra (in both the A-normalization and compilation functions) except for the code handling print. You should add and test features one at a time: add in booleans first and write a test to see if e.g. the program true prints “true”. Then, add in code for < and then test to see if it works (with something very simple, like the program 4 < 5). Don’t update if-then-else yet; just get the new Cobra features (except for print) working correctly.

  5. Update if-then-else to require booleans instead of integers. When you do this, you’ll have to update any old unit tests that use if-then-else as well. When you’re finished, all of your unit tests should pass. Again, don’t worry about error checking yet.

  6. Add the ebp register to Change your compiler so that memory locations are offset from ebp instead of esp and write code to make your snake_main routine observe the C calling conventions. Currently, compile_program uses compile_a_expression to compile your code and then just adds a ret instruction to the end. You’ll need to change compile_program so that it adds the appropriate callee behavior instead of just one ret instruction. This is when you’ll need to write a count_vars_in_a_expression function or something similar.

  7. Write code for print expressions. This requires your code to observe the caller behavior of the C calling conventions. You’ll need to add the line extern printValue to the preamble of assembly generated in compile_to_assembly_code so that you can use the printValue label even though it’s defined elsewhere.

  8. At this point, all of the language features are in place. Now add error checking to your compiler: each operation that may need to fail must perform the appropriate checks and call stopWithError as necessary. As above, you’ll need to add extern stopWithError to your assembly preamble to be able to call this external function. Make sure to write tests to confirm the behavior of runtime errors as well. Note that not all of the error messages and return codes have been written into error.c; you’ll need to add a couple.

That should cover all of the behaviors of Cobra. Make sure you test each of the steps before moving on to the next one. Success in writing software often depends upon breaking the task into small, approachable pieces and adding bit by bit to your application.

Testing the Cobra Compiler

The testing function test_runtime_failure in makes it easy to create an OUnit test that compiles and runs a given source file and expects it to fail with a particular exit code. You can use this function to test intentionally incorrect code to make sure your compiled Cobra programs handle these errors correctly.


To complete this assignment, you’ll need to


To submit your lab, just commit and push your work. The most recent pushed commit as of the due date will be graded. For more information on when assignments are due, see the Policies page.

If You Have Trouble…

…then please contact your instructor! Piazza is the preferred method, but you can reach out via e-mail as well. Good luck!