WordWarp Example 3

$ python ww.py

Welcome to Word Warp v0.1!

  Find as many words as you can from the given letters.
  Only words of 4 or more letters count!
  Longer words are worth more points:

        4 letters.....4 points
        5 letters.....5 points
        6 letters.....6 points

  Hit the ENTER key if you want to quit.
  Enter WW to shuffle the given letters (and lose 5 points).

 Current Score: 0
Possible Words: ['----', '----', '----', '----', '----', '----', '----', '------', '----', '----']
       Letters: rdzlai

Your Word: RAZI
Not a valid word.

 Current Score: 0
Possible Words: ['----', '----', '----', '----', '----', '----', '----', '------', '----', '----']
       Letters: rdzlai

Your Word: lair

 Current Score: 4
Possible Words: ['----', '----', '----', 'lair', '----', '----', '----', '------', '----', '----']
       Letters: rdzlai

Your Word: lizard

 Current Score: 10
Possible Words: ['----', '----', '----', 'lair', '----', '----', '----', 'lizard', '----', '----']
       Letters: rdzlai

Your Word: rail

 Current Score: 14
Possible Words: ['----', '----', '----', 'lair', '----', '----', '----', 'lizard', '----', 'rail']
       Letters: rdzlai

Your Word: ww

 Current Score: 9
Possible Words: ['----', '----', '----', 'lair', '----', '----', '----', 'lizard', '----', 'rail']
       Letters: darzil

Your Word: dial

 Current Score: 13
Possible Words: ['----', 'dial', '----', 'lair', '----', '----', '----', 'lizard', '----', 'rail']
       Letters: darzil

Your Word:                # user hit Enter to quit

Game OVER.
Your final score was: 13
Possible Words: ['arid', 'dial', 'laid', 'lair', 'lard', 'liar', 'lira', 'lizard', 'raid', 'rail']

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