CS 91.3 Final Project Ten-Page Paper

Due Tuesday, May 10th, by midnight (23:59 EST)

1. Goals

The goals for this final project are:

2. Your Final Project

  • Finish your ten-page paper in the NeurIPS format. Your paper should include:

    1. Title, Authors, and Abstract

    2. Introduction

    3. Method

    4. Result

    5. Discussion

    6. Conclusion

  • Submit your Python code, and make sure the README.txt is clear for recreating your results.

    1. Highlight your code innovation in comments blocks of python files

    2. Correctly Cite the code you learn from other papers or GitHub links, in comments blocks.

    3. Test your Python code on both of your computers.

    4. Please do NOT email me your dataset.

3. Submission Guide

3.1. Team Submission

  • Each team only submits one file, final_lastname1_lastname2.zip, including

    1. final_paper_lastname1_lastname2.PDF for your ten-page paper in the NeurIPS format.

    2. A code folder for ALL your Python Code files. Please Do NOT submit dataset files.

    3. Each team only needs to submit one ZIP file, with both names on it, a total size of less than 5 M.

    4. Email 'xqu1@swarthmore.edu' your final files as final_lastname1_lastname2.zip.

3.2. Individual Submission

  • This part is Confidential.

  • Email 'xqu1@swarthmore.edu' your evaluation PDF file.

  • Please do NOT cc your co-author.

  • Please do NOT upload it to the shared Google Drive Folder.

  • Each student only submits one file, Final_Project_Evaluation_lastname.pdf, including

    1. Answer the questions in the Final Project Course Evaluation PDF file.

    2. At least five sentences for each question. Include course links if necessary.

    3. The Final Project Course Evaluation Questions are in our shared Google Folder.

4. Notes

  • This final project is due by midnight on 05/10/2022.