In Class: Week 11

Create a week11 subdirectory in your cs21/class directory and copy over some starting point files:

    $ cd 
    $ cd cs21/class
    $ pwd
    $ mkdir week11       

    $ cd week11
    $ pwd

    $ cp ~turnbull/public/cs21/week11/* .

We are going to do some of the following together:
  1. open and add some of the missing methods to the Account class.

    As you implement each method, test it by adding calls to main. Try calls that will test different method return values. For example, if a method returns True or False, try one call that should return True, another that should return False.

  2. List of Objects: take a look at

    We can sort a set of objects (e.g., bank accounts) in a list. This makes it easy to iterate through a large amount of data.

  3. The Matrix: take a look at

    In python, a 2-dimensional matrix of data is represented as a "list of lists".