CS68 Lab 1: Databases and Central Dogma

Due by 11:59 p.m., Thursday January 31, 2013

The goal of this week's lab is to reinforce basic concepts of biology and bioinformatics. Specifically, Part 1 will have you explore existing bioinformatic databases, discovering what information is available for a particular gene of interest and answering questions along the way. Part 2 will have you implement a short program that will simulate many aspects of the central dogma and explore the mechanisms more in detail.

This lab is to done individually. You can obtain your starting directory structure and any starting files by running handin68. You may discuss concepts with a fellow classmate, especially if you are having difficulty with the details of transcription or translation. You may not share code, however.

You will be responsible for handing in your solutions to both parts, due Thursday, January 31 before midnight.

The programming for this week's lab may seem basic upon first read, but that is partially because we haven't covered any algorithms in class yet! It is designed to you get you back in the practice of using Python and to get you to see how transcription and translation work.

Part 1: Working with Databases

One of the most well studied proteins in molecular biology is the green fluorescent protein (GFP). It's discovery was recently awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2008 for redefining how fluorescent microscopy is utilized in biology. It's also being used to create a breed of glow in the dark pets that is guaranteed to give you nightmares.

In this portion of the lab, you will learn about GFP using three well known databases for genomics: GenBank (for nucleotide sequences), UniProt (for protein sequences), and the Protein Data Bank (PDB; for protein structures). Along the way, you will answer questions that you will submit in your questions.txt file.


  1. Genbank is a database of nucleotide sequences. It can be accessed at the NCBI website (National Center for Biotechnology Information) at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/.   In the search pull down menu at the top, make sure "nucleotide" is selected.   In the text box at the top of the screen where it solicits input for searching, type "GFP" and hit the Go button.
  2. This search will bring up over 1000 results.  To narrow the search, click on "Limits" just below the box where you typed "GFP".  Limit the search to "gene name" (in the dropdown box) and click the "Search" button again.  Go to results 58 and 59 on the third page.
  3. These two entries, M62653 and M62654, are from a seminal 1992 paper.  Click on M62653 (Item 59), look over the Genbank record, and answer the questions in questions.txt

UPDATE: For Question 1, the field CDS details the encoding, or protein sequence. Either do the math or click on the protein ID for the number of amino acids. For question 2, look about 12 lines down for an entry labeled PUBMED. There is a link next to it that points to the original paper describing the gene. Read the abstract for the answer.


  1. UniProt is a database of amino acid sequences that can be accessed at UniProt.  At the UniProt homepage, type GFP and click the Search button.  The first link should be GFP_AEQVI  P42212. Click on the link.
  2. Find where the sequence data (click the "Sequences" link on the menu bar) is available. If you click on the check box next to the access ID, you will see a green bar pop up at the bottom of the screen. Click "Retrieve" and note the wide variety of standardized formats for sequences. FASTA is the most common, simple format. Click Open on all of the formats and see what information is found.
  3. Examine the web page for this protein, and answer the questions.

UPDATES: For Question 1: the Pfam information is near the bottom of the "Cross-References" section. For Question 2: Look for the "Clan" link on the left side. To describe the function, just mention where the protein is generally found. For Question 3: go back to the UniProt page to find this information. You can click "Ontologies" at the top.

Protein Data Bank:

  1. The PDB (Protein Data Bank) is a database of protein structures at http://www.rcsb.org/pdb. Type GFP into the search text box and click the Search button.
  2. Note that the GFP was once the molecule of the day! Click on the story and read it, it contains a nice history of the protein.
  3. Back to the search results. Sort by release data (increasing) and click at the result 1EMA (should be first or second).
  4. Notice that a lot of the sequence and annotations in the other databases are also accessible here. This is a recent modification to the PDB, making it a great resource for known structures (genes with no known structures will not be here).
  5. If you have Java applets enabled, you can view the molecule. For now, you can at least see a static image of the molecule. This is known as a ribbon representation where instead of atoms, the shape of the protein indicates the type of secondary structure.
  6. On the far right at the top, click on Display File, then click on the link to display the structure file in PDB file format.
  7. In this file the majority of lines are ATOM lines.  Scroll down until you see those lines and note how the atoms are numbered (in this case, 1 to 1771).  Answer the questions for this section
UPDATES: I updated the instructions to reflect the 1EMA is actually the second link on the results. For Question 1: the letter is the abbreviation for the atom. C, CA, CB or all carbon (A is alpha and B beta to note a specific location on the structure); N is nitrogen, O oxygen. For Question 2: you have the three letter abbreviation for the amino acid. Look up the full name on the wiki page for amino acids. For Question 3: the x,y,z coordinates are columns 7, 8, and 9 respectively.

Dino Hunting

  1. Go to the following web page: http://nh-brin.unh.edu/Bioinformatics/Tutorials/DinoDNA/ UPDATE: This webpage seems to be down. The same info is available here. Ignore the exercises.
  2. Copy the DNA sequence marked JurassicPark DinoDNA from the book Jurassic Park.  (Read the text to learn the story behind this particular DNA).
  3. Go the NCBI Blast home page at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/.  Go to the link that says Nucleotide-nucleotide BLAST [blastn]
  4. Paste the DinoDNA DNA sequence into the text box and hit the Blast! button.

UPDATES: For Question 1, give the Sequence ID number instead. For the length of the match, either just Range 1 or the sum of ranges is acceptable. For Question 2: the e-value is also the Expected value and describes the probability one would get this match by random chance in the database.

Central Dogma

In this portion of the lab, you will create a Python library and main program to simulate operations described in the central dogma in order to better understand the link between a DNA sequence and resulting protein sequence(s).

First, you will construct 3 class definitions, one each for DNA, RNA, and Protein. I will describe the main functionalities that are expected, you can feel free to add additional information/methods. All three should be defined in a file sequences.py.

Sequence classes

First, define a DNA class. Your class should have, at a minimum, the following functionality:

Next, define an RNA class. Your class should have the following methods:

Lastly, you should create a Protein class. This class will look exactly the same as the RNA class minus the translate method. The constructor will take in an amino acid sequence and a start and stop index for finding the original encoding region in the DNA sequence.

Main program

You will define your main program in dogma.py. At a high level, your program should: The main loop can be as creative as you like. At a minimum, you should define behavior for the following options:
Hints and Tips

Reading FASTA file

FASTA is a standardized format used across the field to represent DNA and/or protein sequences. You can read in detail about the format at the NCBI manual page. For this lab, you only need to know that there are two types of lines in the file: description lines and sequence lines. For example:
The first line describes the gene and can be ignored for this lab. The next four lines are the gene's protein sequence. When loading your file, you can ignore description lines. The first character on a description line will be the greater than symbol ">". Each line below the description line is part of the sequence, with 80 characters per line. Simply finish reading the file line-by-line concatenating the lines together to create one large string for the sequence.

Reading Codon Table

A codon table maps three-letter RNA codons to a single-letter amino acid that it produces. Look at the codon.txt file and note that each line contains the amino-acid abbreviation first, and then a list of all codons that map to that amino acid. You should load this file into a dictionary data structure (go here to read up on using the built-in dictionary class in Python). You should map codons to their amino acid equivalent. E.g., codonTable["AUG"] = 'M'

Program Requirements

In addition to the requirements listed above, you should ensure your code satisfies these general guidelines

Sample Runs

In your labs directory, I have placed two sample sequence files, test.fasta and gfp.fasta. The latter is the sequence for the green flourescent protein, while the former is a toy example for which I have results below. Try your code on the test file first, and then see what happens with your GFP gene (can you recover the protein sequence you find in Part 1?). If you want to try a large example, try running your code on the E. coli UTI89 genome in ecoli_uti89.fasta. It is located at /home/soni/public/cs68/ecoli_uti89.fasta. DO NOT COPY this file, it is quite large. Note that your program will take awhile to run for certain operations since it is a large sequence.
Welcome to the gene translator

Enter FASTA file name: test.fasta
Enter Codon Table file name: codon.txt

DNA sequence of length 126 successfully loaded: 

0) Exit
1) Print raw DNA sequence
2) Invert DNA sequence
3) Transcribe DNA sequence and print summary
4) Print raw RNA sequences
5) Translate RNA sequences and print summary
6) Print raw sequences to file

Enter choice: 1

Entire DNA sequence: 

0) Exit
1) Print raw DNA sequence
2) Invert DNA sequence
3) Transcribe DNA sequence and print summary
4) Print raw RNA sequences
5) Translate RNA sequences and print summary
6) Print raw sequences to file

Enter choice: 3

2 Resulting mRNA sequences: 

0) Exit
1) Print raw DNA sequence
2) Invert DNA sequence
3) Transcribe DNA sequence and print summary
4) Print raw RNA sequences
5) Translate RNA sequences and print summary
6) Print raw sequences to file

Enter choice: 4

mRNA Sequence 0
mRNA Sequence 1

0) Exit
1) Print raw DNA sequence
2) Invert DNA sequence
3) Transcribe DNA sequence and print summary
4) Print raw RNA sequences
5) Translate RNA sequences and print summary
6) Print raw sequences to file

Enter choice: 5

2 Resulting protein sequences: 

0) Exit
1) Print raw DNA sequence
2) Invert DNA sequence
3) Transcribe DNA sequence and print summary
4) Print raw RNA sequences
5) Translate RNA sequences and print summary
6) Print raw sequences to file

Enter choice: 6
Enter output filename: test.pro

File output complete

0) Exit
1) Print raw DNA sequence
2) Invert DNA sequence
3) Transcribe DNA sequence and print summary
4) Print raw RNA sequences
5) Translate RNA sequences and print summary
6) Print raw sequences to file

Enter choice: 2

DNA sequence successfully inverted:

0) Exit
1) Print raw DNA sequence
2) Invert DNA sequence
3) Transcribe DNA sequence and print summary
4) Print raw RNA sequences
5) Translate RNA sequences and print summary
6) Print raw sequences to file

Enter choice: 3

1 Resulting mRNA sequences: 
12-23: 5' AUGAUUAACACU 3'

0) Exit
1) Print raw DNA sequence
2) Invert DNA sequence
3) Transcribe DNA sequence and print summary
4) Print raw RNA sequences
5) Translate RNA sequences and print summary
6) Print raw sequences to file

Enter choice: 5
1 Resulting protein sequences: 
12-23: MINT 

0) Exit
1) Print raw DNA sequence
2) Invert DNA sequence
3) Transcribe DNA sequence and print summary
4) Print raw RNA sequences
5) Translate RNA sequences and print summary
6) Print raw sequences to file

Enter choice: 0

Submitting your work

Once you are satisfied with your program, hand it in by typing handin68 at the unix prompt.

You may run handin68 as many times as you like, and only the most recent submission will be recorded. This is useful if you realize after handing in some programs that you'd like to make a few more changes to them.

About the Data
The guide in Part 1 is based off of a lab developed by Neil C. Jones and Ravel A. Pevzner available at here. Thanks to Mark Goadrich for sharing his test example sequence for part 2.