CS44: Database Management Systems

Lab 1: Building a Buffer Manager

Due by 11:59 p.m., Monday, September 24, 2018.

This is a partnered lab. You are to complete this lab with one other person, who must attend the same lab as you. You may discuss the lab concepts with other classmates. Please use Teammaker to set your lab partner preferences. You can choose “Random” if you do not have a partner. Remember the Academic Integrity Policy: do not show your code/solution to anyone outside of the course staff and your lab partner. Do not look at any other group’s code/solution for this lab (current or past). If you need help, please post on Piazza.


The goal of the WiscDB projects is to allow students to learn about the internals of a data processing engine. In this first assignment, you will build a buffer manager on top of an I/O Layer that I provide. Future labs will add additional layers to the DB code.

The code base is quite extensive and will require much reading of API documentation and thorough testing. You are responsible for making significant progress early on; waiting until the last few days will not be manageable. The goals of this assignment include:

Getting Started

Click to expand

Both you and your partner will share a repo named Lab1-userID1-userID2. Note that the lab will not release until you have both marked your partner preferences on Teammaker. You should find your repo on the GitHub server for our class: CPSC44-F18

Clone your Lab 1 git repo containing starting point files into your labs directory that you created last week:

cd ~/cs44/labs
git clone [the ssh url to your your repo]
cd Lab1-userID1-userID2

If you need help, see the instructions on Using Git (follow the instructions for repos on Swarthmore’s GitHub Enterprise server). If all was successful, you should see the following files (highlighted files require modification):

In addition, you should run make setup (just once) to create symlinks to shared libraries (do not copy these to your directory) that are needed for your programs to run:

cd ~cs44/Lab1-userID1-userID2/
make setup

The WiscDB I/O Layer

The lowest layer of the WiscDB database systems is the I/O layer. This layer allows the upper level of the system to:

This layer consists of two classes: a File class and a Page class. These classes use C++ exceptions to handle the occurrence of any unexpected event. Implementation of the File class, the Page class, and the exception classes have been provided for you including extensive documentation. In many cases you will need to respond to exceptions to complete your implementation below.

Before reading further you should first read the documentation that describes the I/O layer of WiscDB so that you understand its capabilities. In a nutshell the I/O layer provides an object-oriented interface to the Unix file system with methods to open and close files and to read/write pages of a file. You will utilize these methods to move pages into the buffer pool and higher-level methods (e.g., main.cpp to process a query).

Below and in the given code, you will see the customed-defined types FrameId and PageId. Practically speaking, these are both int (unsigned and thus non-negative). Using these defined types makes your code more readable. You know a variable declared FrameId will be an index into a Frame table, and PageId refers to a page number in a file.

The Buffer Manager

A database buffer pool is an array of fixed-sized memory buffers called frames that are used to hold database pages (or blocks) that have been read from disk into memory. A page is the unit of transfer between the disk and the buffer pool residing in main memory. Most modern database systems use a page size of at least 8KB (8,192 bytes). Another important thing to note is that a database page in memory is an exact copy of the corresponding page on disk when it is first read in. Once a page has been read from disk to the buffer pool, the DBMS software can update information stored on the page, causing the copy in the buffer pool to be different from the copy on disk (which is now outdated). Such pages are termed dirty.

Since the database on disk itself is often larger than the amount of main memory that is available for the buffer pool, only a subset of the database pages fit in memory at any given time. The buffer manager is used to control which pages are memory resident. Whenever the buffer manager receives a request for a data page, the buffer manager checks to see if the requested page is already in the buffer pool. If so, the buffer manager simply returns a pointer to the page. If not, the buffer manager frees a frame by evicting an old page (and possibly by writing it to disk if it is dirty) and then loads the requested page from disk into the newly available frame. The algorithm for determining the page to evict is known as the replacement policy.

Buffer Replacement Policy using the Clock Algorithm

There are many ways of deciding which page to replace when a free frame is needed. Commonly used policies in operating systems are FIFO (first in first out), MRU (most recently used), and LRU (least recently used). LRU, arguably the most useful policy, suffers from high overhead costs due to the need for a priority queue. An alternative approach, the circular array buffer, or clock algorithm, approximates LRU behavior with much better run time performance.

First, some terminology:

The image to the left shows the conceptual idea of the clock array. Each square box corresponds to a frame in the buffer pool. Assume that the buffer pool contains numFrames frames, numbered 0 to numFrames-1. We can imagine all the frames in the buffer pool are arranged in a circular list.

The algorithm is depicted in the flow chart to the right. At any point in time the clock hand (an integer whose value is between 0 and numFrames-1) is advanced in a clockwise fashion. If a frame is unoccupied (i.e., the page is not valid), it is an obvious candidate for replacement. Otherwise, we check to see if the page is still pinned since we do not want to remove a page from the pool that is still being used. If a page is not in use, we refer to the refbit to approximate our LRU algorithm. If the refbit is true, the page has been recently unpinned and gets a “free pass” (i.e, set the bit to false and move on). Otherwise, we have found a replacement. If the selected buffer frame is dirty, the page currently occupying the frame is written back to disk. Regardless, the frame is cleared and the requested page from disk is read in to the freed frame. Further details are available below.

Implementing the Buffer Manager

The WiscDB buffer manager uses three C++ classes that you will implement:

Buffer Hash Table

The BufferHashTable class is used to map a particular page to a buffer pool frame (if it is in memory) and is implemented using separate chaining. You must complete this implementation using the provided class definition in bufferHashTable.h.

struct HashItem

Click to see HashItem definition (from bufferHashTable.h)
* @brief Declarations for buffer pool hash table item
struct HashItem {
   * pointer a file object (more on this below)
  File *file;

   * page number within a file
  PageId pageNo;

   * frame number of page in the buffer pool
  FrameId frameNo;

   * Next node in the hash table for separate chaining
  HashItem*   next;

The key structure is a HashItem (API), which maintains one item in the hash table, similar to a node in a linked list. It maintains the following data:

The file and pageNo uniquely identify a Page (i.e., they form the key) while the frameNo is the value to be returned. You do not need to modify this struct.

class BufferHashTable

Click to see definition from bufferHashTable.h
* @brief Hash table class to keep track of pages in the buffer pool
class BufferHashTable
   *  Size of Hash Table
  int SIZE;
   * Actual Hash table (array of HashItem chains)
  HashItem**  table;

   * returns hash value between 0 and SIZE-1 computed using file and pageNo
   * @param file    File object
   * @param pageNo  Page number in the file
   * @return        Hash value.
  int   hash(const File* file, const PageId pageNo);

   * Constructor of BufferHashTable class
  BufferHashTable(const int htSize);

   * Destructor of BufferHashTable class

   * Insert entry into hash table.  Maps (file, pageNo) to bucket and
   *    inserts a HashItem.
   * @param file    File object
   * @param pageNo  Page number in the file
   * @param frameNo Frame number assigned to that page of the file
   * @throws  HashAlreadyPresentException  if the corresponding file/page
   *    already exists in the hash table
  void insert(File* file, const PageId pageNo, const FrameId frameNo);

   * Check if (file, pageNo) is currently in the buffer pool (ie. in
   *    the hash table).  Returns frame number of location in pool
   * @param file    File object
   * @param pageNo  Page number in the file
   * @param frameNo Frame number reference containing the result of lookup
   * @throws HashNotFoundException if the file/page entry is not found in the
   *    hash table
  void lookup(const File* file, const PageId pageNo, FrameId &frameNo);

   * Remove (file,pageNo) the buffer pool by deleting the appropriate
   *    item from hash table.
   * @param file    File object
   * @param pageNo  Page number in the file
   * @throws HashNotFoundException if the file/page entry is not found in the
   *    hash table
  void remove(const File* file, const PageId pageNo);  

The BufferHashTable(API) is where the hash table is defined. You have been provided a method do compute the hash key as well as the constructor, which initializes your array of HashItem chains. Do not modify either method, but instead read and understand how they work.

You will need to complete the implementation for the destructor, insert(), lookup(), and remove() methods as explained in the documentation (equivalently provided in the header file, in the collapsed link above, and in the online documentation linked to for each function above).


Click to see definition from buffer.h
* @brief Maintains information about one buffer pool frame.  One frame
* corresponds to one page on disk.
class Frame {

  friend class BufferManager;

   * Pointer to file the Page belongs to.  
  File* file;

   * Page number within file to which corresponding frame is assigned
  PageId pageNo;

   * Frame number of the frame in the buffer pool
  FrameId  frameNo;

   * Number of times this page has been pinned
  int pinCnt;

   * True if page is dirty;  false otherwise
  bool dirty;

   * True if page is valid (i.e., frame is in use)
  bool valid;

   * Has this buffer frame been reference recently
  bool refbit;

   * Initialize buffer frame to an empty state
  void reset();

   * This method is called when a frame has been assigned to a page using
   * readPage() or allocatePage() in the BufferManager.  Member variables
   * are set correspondingly to a newly loaded page.
   * @param filePtr  File object
   * @param pageNum  Page number in the file
  void load(File* filePtr, PageId pageNum);

  void print();

   * Constructor of Frame class

Each Frame (API) stores metadata about a Page object in the buffer pool:

You you will need to implement the basic methods of the class (i.e., reset() and load()), just to ensure you understand how to use the class. reset() is invoked when a Frame is emptied and should reset all class variables to a default state:

load() is invoked after a page has been assigned to a frame; this method should set all member variables appropriately. This method is utilized for a new Page being loaded into the frame. A newly loaded page is not dirty, but the frame is now valid. You may want to set the pin count to 1, but we recommend doing this in the buffer manager methods that call load() (i.e., allocatePage() and readPage()). Instead, initialize the pin count to 0.


The BufferManager (API) class is the heart of the buffer manager (and this assignment). At a high level, the BufferManager manages a buffer pool of frames that contain pages that get loaded from and sent back to disk.

Data members

Click to see data members from buffer.h
* @brief The central class which manages the buffer pool including frame
* allocation and deallocation to pages in the file
class BufferManager
   * Current position of clockhand in our buffer pool.  The clock hand is a
   * FrameId from 0 to numFrames-1
  FrameId clockHand;

   * Number of frames in the buffer pool
  std::uint32_t numFrames;

   * Hash table mapping (File, page) to a FrameId
  BufferHashTable *hashTable;

   * Array of Frame objects to hold information corresponding to every
   * frame allocation from the buffer pool
  Frame *frameTable;

   * Actual buffer pool of Pages. A table of Page objects, with each
   * index corresponding to Frame at the same index of frameTable.
  Page* bufPool;

Class Methods

Click to see method declarations from buffer.h
   * Advance clock to next frame in the buffer pool
  void advanceClock();

   * 'Allocate' a free frame; employs the clock replacement policy to identify
   * and free a frame for loading a page from disk
   * @param frame frameID of allocated frame is returned
   *    via this variable
   * @throws BufferExceededException If no such buffer frame is found which
   *    can be allocated
  void allocateFrame(FrameId & frame);

   * Constructor of BufferManager class
  BufferManager(std::uint32_t bufs);

   * Destructor of BufferManager class

   * Reads the given page from the file into a frame and returns the pointer
   * to page. If the requested page is already present in the buffer pool, its
   * pin count is increased and a pointer to that frame is returned; otherwise
   * a new frame is allocated from the buffer pool for reading the page.
   * @param file    File object
   * @param PageNo  Page number in the file to be read
   * @param page    Reference to page pointer. Used to fetch the Page object
   *    in which requested page from file is read in.
  void readPage(File* file, const PageId PageNo, Page*& page);

   * Unpin a page from memory when one requesting application
   * no longer requires it to remain in memory. Decrements pin count and sets
   * refbit if pin count is now zero.
   * @param file    File object
   * @param PageNo  Page number
   * @param dirty   True if the page to be unpinned needs to be marked dirty
   * @throws  PageNotPinnedException If the page is not already pinned
  void unPinPage(File* file, const PageId PageNo, const bool dirty);

   * Allocates a new, empty page in the file and returns the Page object.
   * The newly allocated page is also assigned a new frame in the buffer pool.
   * @param file    File object
   * @param PageNo  Page number. The number assigned to the page in the file
   *    is returned via this reference.
   * @param page    Reference to page pointer. The newly allocated in-memory
   *    Page object is returned via this reference.
  void allocatePage(File* file, PageId &PageNo, Page*& page);

   * Writes out all dirty pages of the file to disk.
   * All the frames assigned to the file need to be unpinned from buffer pool
   * before this function can be successfully called.
   * Otherwise an exception is thrown.
   * @param file File object to flush to disk
   * @throws  PagePinnedException If any page of the file is pinned in the
   * buffer pool
   * @throws BadBufferException If any frame allocated to the file is found
   * to be invalid
  void flushFile(const File* file);

   * Delete page from file and also from buffer pool if present.
   * Since the page is entirely deleted from file, its unnecessary to see if
   * the page is dirty.
   * @param file     File object
   * @param PageNo  Page number
  void disposePage(File* file, const PageId PageNo);

   * Print member variable values.
  void  printSelf();

Coding and Testing

Keep these style and testing guidelines in mind:


The documentation in several places calls for you to explicitly invoke exceptions if certain conditions are met. You will do this by using the throw command. For example, the insert() function of the BufferHashTable has you throw a HashAlreadyPresentException if the page is already in the table:

if (CONDITION){ //page already in table
   throw HashAlreadyPresentException(FILENAME, PAGENUMBER, 0);  

You need to fill in the CONDITION, FILENAME, and PAGENUMBER. Pay attention to all methods in this lab; it will be clearly stated when you need to throw an exception.

In some cases, you need to resolve exceptions that may be used to signal an event (as opposed to a fatal error). In this case, you should use a try-catch block:

  //insert code that could potentially cause an exception
} catch (Exception &except){ //Change Exception to the specific exception name
  //respond to exception
//common code that occurs regardless of whether exception was hit or not

For example, when asked to read a page to the buffer pool (i.e., BufferManager::readPage()) you first need to use BufferHashTable::lookup() to see if the page is already in the pool. If it isn’t, you should anticipate lookup() to throw a HashNotFoundException:

  //this code only runs if lookup successfully found the page
  //TODO: insert code for a page already in the buffer pool
} catch (HashNotFoundException &e){
  //this block only runs if lookup failed to find the page in the pool
  //TODO: add page to the pool
//This code runs regardless of what happens above
//TODO: insert code that is common to the scenarios above


Much of the code base was provided and developed by the University of Wisconsin Database Group.

Submitting your lab

Before the due date, push your solution to github from one of your local repos to the GitHub remote repo. Only one of you or your partner needs to do this.

From your local repo (in your ~cs44/labs/Lab1-userID1-userID2subdirectory)

make clean
git add *
git commit -m "our correct, robust, and well commented solution for grading"
git push

If that doesn’t work, take a look at the “Troubleshooting” section of the Using Git page. Also, be sure to complete the README.md file, add and push it.