1. Lab Design needs significant work to improve modularity, reusability, and readability
  2. Each Function should have a block comment with purpose, a description of parameters, and a description of what it is returning
  3. Loading data should be encapsulated in a function
  4. Getting a menu choice should be encapsulated in a function
  5. Ticker search should be encapsulated in a function
  6. Price search should be encapsulated in a function

  7. Loading data should skip first line
  8. Loading data should do type conversion on prices to floats
  9. Loading data should return a lists of lists
  10. It is not necessary to copy nasdaq.data to your directory. You can open the file directly as is

  11. Ticker symbol should be searched using binary search
  12. Closing price should be searched using linear search
  13. Menu choice should error check against out of range ints
  14. Menu choice should error check against invalid types

  15. Ticker search should ignore case
  16. Binary search incorrectly implemented
  17. Ticker search does not properly handle search with no results found
  18. Ticker search should print out relevant information as described in writeup
  19. Ticker search should print out special message if no result found

  20. Price range sorting: better to sort results instead of sorting all of the original data
  21. Price range choice should error check against out of range ints
  22. Price range choice should error check against invalid types
  23. Price range search not properly sorted from largest to smallest
  24. Price range search should print out special message if no results found

  25. Prints should use string formatting to make results easier to read