Scattergories Rubric

  1. Functions need a block comment (using 3 quotation marks) with a description of purpose, description of parameters (not just relisting the names), and a description of return (e.g., type and use)
  2. This function is not function-worthy - it performs a trivial task that can be accomplished with existing functions. Every function should encapsulate one, non-trivial subtask
  3. Data design - categories and answers should be stored as separate lists since they represent distinct pieces of data that get used at different moments in the program for different purposes
  4. Program fails to properly error check letter input - a letter should be in the alphabet and a string of length 1
  5. Program does not properly error check integer input for proper range of integer values
  6. Program does not properly error check integer input for improper type (i.e., non-integer value)
  7. Design should include at minimum a dedicated function for: