CPSC 65/LING 20:
Natural Language Processing

Many students have asked for a "study guide". Below I lay out the topics that you should be familiar with for the second exam. There will be no programming questions on the exam. All of the questions will be conceptual questions, largely about the lecture material but also about the topics covered in the labs.

I will not provide sample questions for you to answer. You can expect that there will be short answer questions and extended questions requiring one or two paragraphs. There will be some questions that require you to be knowledgeable about the mathematical formulas that we've used to describe various NLP algorithms.

This list of topics is a superset of the topics that will be covered on the exam. Since the exam takes place in a 2 hours block, everything cannot be covered.

The second exam includes only material covered in the second half of the class (since the last exam).

Exam 2 Topics

There's really nothing special about this list, it's just a slightly more extended version of the syllabus. Some of the subtopics below really go under multiple topics, so don't read too much into the way that I've organized this.