CS 35: Algorithms and Object-Oriented Computing

Computer Science Department
Swarthmore College

Spring 2004

Professor: Richard Wicentowski
Email address: richardw@cs.swarthmore.edu
Office: Sproul 35
Telephone: (610) 690-5643
Office hours: Wednesday 9:30-11:30, and by appointment

Course web page: http://www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~richardw/cs35

Required text:
Weiss, Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java, 2nd edition. (ISBN 0-201-74835-5)

In addition, you will likely find various online sources helpful. Links to these sources are available on the course web page.

Course description:
This course completes the broad introduction to computer science begun in CS 21 and CS 22. It provides a general background for further study in the field. Topics to be covered include object-oriented programming in Java, advanced data structures (including priority queues, trees, hash tables, and graphs) and algorithms, software design and verification.

  15% First Exam
  15% Second Exam
  20% Final Exam
  45% Homework and Lab Assignments
  5% Class Participation and Attendance


Ben Turner (bturner@cs.swarthmore.edu) will be the CS35 clinician. He will hold a weekly session where he will be able to help you with course material and programming projects. The schedule for these clinics is not currently known, but will be announced in class and updated on the course web page.

Course web page

It is your responsibility to check the web page frequently for changes in project assignments, due dates, exam dates, class meetings, and all other course-related events: http://www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~richardw/cs35

Academic Integrity