text twist examples...

Example #2
$ python tt.py

 Welcome to SwatCSTextTwist...

 Find as many words as you can from the given letters.
 Only words of 4 or more letters count!
 Longer words are worth more points:

        4 letters.....1 points
        5 letters.....2 points
        6 letters.....5 points
        7 letters.....10 points

 Hit the ENTER key if you want to quit.
 Enter ZZ to shuffle the given letters.

words still unplayed:  8
words already played:  []
LETTERS: bihszow
   WORD: howzi
Please enter a valid english word (4 letters or more) ...
   WORD: show
                  + 1
words still unplayed:  7
words already played:  ['show']
LETTERS: bihszow
   WORD: zebra

** not a valid word for these letters **

words still unplayed:  7
words already played:  ['show']
LETTERS: bihszow
   WORD: show
You already played that word...
   WORD: zz
LETTERS: obswizh


  With these letters:  obswizh
You made these words:  ['show']
  max possible words:  ['showbiz', 'bosh', 'bows', 'hobs', 'hows', 'show', 'whiz', 'wish'] 

        TOTAL POINTS: 1    (out of 17 possible)

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