Mid-Semester Project Report

Due: March 20th in class
This counts as 5% of your final grade

In class on March 20th each group will give an oral presentation of the progress that they have made on their course project. The purpose of this is three fold: first, it will give you a chance to hear what other groups are doing for their course project; second, it will give you an opportunity to get help from others with any problems you are having with your project; and finally, for anyone who has not yet started working on their course project, it should encourage you to start working on it now.

Each project group will prepare the following:

  1. A one page written progress report (due at the beginning of class on March 20).
    Your report should contain the following:
    1. One paragraph describing which parts of your project you have completed so far, which parts you have left to complete, and any parts of your project that have been modified since your proposal (if your plan has changed I want to know specifically how and why it has changed).
    2. One paragraph describing any difficulties you have encountered so far and how you plan to resolve them (or how you did reslove them). If you don' t know how to resolve them or have some ideas but have not completely figured it out yet, then explicitly tell me this so that I can try to suggest some solutions.
    3. An updated schedule with milestones and dates annotated with information indicating which parts you have completed, which parts you are currently working, and which parts you have yet to start. (note: if I asked you to make changes to the schedule in your proposal, then this schedule should contain those changes)

  2. A 15-20 minute in-class project presentation
    Your presentation should be organized as follows (the number of slides is intended as a rough guideline):

    You should not need to spend much time creating your slides; your project proposal can be used as a guide for creating most of the slides. If you have encountered difficulties implementing your project, make sure to provide specific explanations of the problems and possible approaches you have tried or are considering (this will make it more likely that other class members can suggest ways in which you can solve some of your problems).