CS87 Course Project Repos and Project Groups

Project Repos:

Each of your course project groups has a git Repo for your project. It contains subdirectories for all required parts. On our system, you would do:
$ cd cs87
$ git clone url to your Project repo
$ cd Project-partners
$ ls
FinalReport/     ProjectProposal/ source/
MidwayReport/    README.md
Start with the ProjectProposal subdirectory, which contains a .tex and .bib starting point files for your project proposal.
$ cd ProjectProposal
$ ls
Makefile  README.md  proposal.bib  proposal.tex

Project Groups:

Group 1 Parallel Algorithm for TSP Ayaka (ayorihi1) Haochen (hwang12) Minh (mnguyen7)
Group 2 Project Topic Brendan (bwerth1) Gus (aburche1) Zach (zrothen1)
Group 3 Deduplication in Distributed File Systems Ford (fjohnst1) Keon (koh2) Sam (srothst1)
Group 4 Widening the Sieve: Parallel Sifting for Prime Numbers Kevin (kzheng1) Mickey (mharego1) Rick (rmuniu1)
Group 5 Idle cycles or IoT Christina (cholmgr1) Lamia (lmakkar1)
Group 6 Green Data Centers Danielle (drosset1) Jonathan (jsolomo3)
Group 7 Blockchain + Bitcoin Kat (klima1) Kyra (kmoed1)