Paper assignment 12

Due: Saturday April 30 before 12:30pm
You will write and submit the Abstract section of final report for feedback. You should use my feedback to revise your paper's abstract and resubmit the revised version as part of your project final report.

Turn in a hard copy of your Abstract to me, in my office, by the due date.

Research Paper Abstract:
The abstract is a brief summary of your complete work. It should be written to make the reader want to read the rest of your paper. Briefly state the basic contents and conclusions of your paper: the problem you are solving, why the reader should care about this problem, your unique solution and/or implementation, and the main results and and contributions of your work.

Use abstracts from research papers we have read over the course of the semester as some examples (and remember not all papers necessarily have good example abstracts, so look over a few).

My detailed writing advice and guidelines can be found here: CS Research and Writing Guide

Project Report details: Final Project Report