CS31 Weekly Lab: Week 11

Week 11 lab topics:

  1. A reminder to look at the Week 9 lab page for gdb and valgrind links:
    1. gdb for C programmers
    2. valgrind
    See the week 9 lab page for more details: Week 9 lab topics and example code

  2. Processes and Signals in Unix:

    Start by creating a week11 subdirectory, and copy over some files:

       cd cs31/weeklylabs
       mkdir week11
       cd week11
       cp ~newhall/public/week11/* .
        Makefile  README  signalexample.c
    We are going to look at a simple example of a program that has a singal handler on SIGCONT, and we will look at what happens when we send it a SIGCONT signal.