In Class: Week 1 Tuesday

If you want to try out the robot code, you can copy my codefile as a starting point, and then edit it to try out different commands, and run the robot using different mazes as starting points:
# copy over my codefile starting point, don't forget the dot at the end of this command
% cp ~newhall/public/cs21/robot/codefile .       

# edit codefile in vim (or emacs) to change the robot commands, 
# then save and exit vim (:wq)
% vim codefile                   

# run the robot using the commands you listed in codefile
% run_robot codefile 0 maze0
You can also try different mazes as staring points (maze0 - maze5), and try staring the robot facing a different direction (0, 1, 2, or 3). For example, to start the robot in maze3 facing WEST(3), enter the command:
% run_robot codefile 3 maze3          
The set of robot commands you can add to a codefile include:
          MoveForward();        // move the robot

          FacingWall()          // tests evaluate to true or false

Example codefile might look like:

          if ( FacingWall() ) {
          while ( FacingWall() ) {