CS21 Spring 2006
Homework 6
Due Friday, March 3 before noon.

You may work with a partner on this assignment. Again, if you do so, please include both your names on the top-level comment and only one of you submit your joint solution using cs21handin.

Start by copying over my starting point code:

# from your cs21/hw06 subdirectory:
% cp ~newhall/public/cs21/hw06/* . 

note: I recommend doing parts 1-7 of this assignment before the midterm exam. As practice for the exam, first try writing up your solution to a method on paper, then type it in and test to see if it is correct. Give yourself about 15 minutes to write your solution on paper (this is about the amount of time you would have on the exam to read a problem and write down your solution).

This is an assignment designed to give you some practice with arrays and writing and using methods with array parameters.

Starting with the starting point code, you will add some methods that take array parameters, and then you will add code to main to test out these methods. Remember to implement and test incrementally to make debugging easier (i.e. implement one method, compile it, call it to test it out, then implement the next method, compile it, test it, and so on).

Here are things to add to the starting point code:

  1. Declare two int arrys that you will use to store grades from two exams. You should initialize them from data read in from a file. The first line of the file contains the number of grades per exam (use this to create new arrays of the appropriate size), the next lines contain all the grades for the first exam followed by all the grades for the second exam. For example:
            Format of input file                     Example File
    	--------------------                     -------------
         	number of grades per exam                    4
    	exam1, grade1                                99
    	examl, grade2                                78
    	...                                          54
    	exam1, gradeN                                75
    	exam2, grade1                                76
    	exam2, grade2                                97
    	...                                          83
    	exam2, gradeN                                100

  2. Write a static method PrintIntArray, that takes an array, its effective size, a String label, and a value, n, for the number of bucket values to print per line, and prints out the label, followed by the contents of the array, n buckets per line. For example, a call to:
         	PrintIntArray(exam1, 10, "Exam 1:", 5);
    Would print out something like:
         	Exam 1:
    		60	88	70	55	82
    		90	98	78	64	76	
    Call your PrintIntArray method to print out the contents of both exam arrays, 10 grades per line.

    The starting point code contains a stub method for PrintArray...you need to add the code

  3. write a static method that returns maximum value in the array
  4. write a static method that returns the minimum value in the array
  5. write a static method that returns the mean (average) of the values in the array
  6. write a static method that returns the standard deviation of the values in the array. The only Math class library method you may use in your solution is sqrt. The standard deviation is the square root of the sum of the square of the difference the mean (average) and each value over the number of values:

  7. Make calls to these methods for both arrays and ouput the results in tabular format:
                  min grade       max grade     ave grade       std dev
                  ---------       ---------     ---------       -------
      Exam1:        44               99          72.400          17.990
      Exam2:        26               99          67.750          23.545

  8. Write a static method named Histogram, which takes a grades array, its effective size, and returns a histogram array of the grades array, where each bucket in the histogram contains a count of the number of grades in a 10 grade interval between 0-100. For example, histogram bucket 0 is a count of the number of grades in the grade array that are between 0 and 9, histogram bucket 1 contains a count of the number of grades in the histogram array that are between 10 and 19, and so on.

    A call to this method may look like

    int[] histogram;
    histogram = Histogram(exam1, num_grades); 

  9. Write a static method named AsciiHistogram, that takes a histogram array, its effective size, the low value in the range, the high value in the range, and the bucketwidth, and prints out an ASCII graph of the histogram values (think of this as a bar graph of the histogram values that has been tipped on its side).

    For example, the call to:

    	AsciiHistogram(histogram, num_buckets, 0, 100, 10);
    May print out the following ascii graph representation of the histogram data (here there would be 1 grade in the range 20-29, 1 in the range 30-39, 4 in the range 40-49, and so on):
    Histogram with bucket size of 10:
      0-  9: 
     10- 19: 
     20- 29: * 
     30- 39: * 
     40- 49: * * * * 
     50- 59: * * * 
     60- 69: * 
     70- 79: * * * 
     80- 89: * * * 
     90- 99: * * * * 
    100    : * * 
  10. Call your Histogram and AsciiHistogram methods with each exam array.

Sample Output from my program

% java StaticGradeInfo grade.data

exam 1: 
          88   76   77   99   45   50   44   99   89   77 
          66   55   44   56   98   78   88   66   77   76 

exam 2: 
          26   57   98   44   88   76   89   77   66   77 
          99   45   88   99   33   44   50   99   44   56 

           min grade       max grade       ave grade       std dev
           ---------       ---------       ---------       -------
Exam 1:        44               99          72.400          17.990
Exam 2:        26               99          67.750          23.545

Exam 1:
Histogram with bucket size of 10:
  0-  9: 
 10- 19: 
 20- 29: 
 30- 39: 
 40- 49: * * * 
 50- 59: * * * 
 60- 69: * * 
 70- 79: * * * * * * 
 80- 89: * * * 
 90- 99: * * * 
100    : 

Exam 2:
Histogram with bucket size of 10:
  0-  9: 
 10- 19: 
 20- 29: * 
 30- 39: * 
 40- 49: * * * * 
 50- 59: * * * 
 60- 69: * 
 70- 79: * * * 
 80- 89: * * * 
 90- 99: * * * * 
100    :