Answers to Chapter 7 Review Questions ------------------------------------- 9. The eight functions are InitGraphics, MovePen, DrawLine, DrawArc, GetWindowWidth, GetWindowHeight, GetCurrentX, and GetCurrentY (summarized on page 227 of the textbook) 10. InitGraphics(); 11. MovePen 12. MovePen(0, 0); DrawLine(2, 1); 13. If the third argument to DrawArc is negative, the arc is drawn clockwise from its starting point instead of counterclockwise. 14. (a) counterclockwise starting at 3 o'clock and ending at 6 o'clock (b) clockwise starting about 11 o'clock and ending about 1 o'clock (c) clockwise starting at 9 o'clock and ending about 10 o'clock (d) counterclockwise starting at 6 o'clock and ending at 12 o'clock 16. call GetWindowWidth and GetWindowHeight and divide each of the returned values by 2