Answers to Chapter 5 Review Questions ------------------------------------- 2. call: act of executing the set of statements that make up a function. argument: information passed from the calling program to the function. return: to go back to the calling program, possibly sending back a result. 5. The prototype says that the function takes two floating-point numbers (of type double) as arguments and returns a floating-point result. 6. Parameter names in a function prototype convey extra information to the reader of the program about what those parameters represent. 7. You use the keyword void, as in the following example: int GetInteger(void); 8. You use the keyword "return" followed by an expression specifying the value to return from the function, as in "return (a + 2 * b);" 9. Sure, there can be any number of them. 10. The case clauses in the MonthName function do not require break statements because they end with a return statement. The return statement causes control to exit the program at that point, which means that the execution of the program will not continue into the next case clause. 14. Variables declared within a particular function are meaningful only within that function. The values those variables have can not be "seen" from the main program, and when the function exits or returns, those variables "disappear".