Digit Recognition with Neural Networks

Renuka Nayak ~ Yee Lin Tan

For all experiments:
Seed Number=257

How we measured the performance of the network: If the maximum activation of state of the 10 outputs nodes corresponded to the correct data value, and the activation was greater than the threshold, then the network was able to correctly learn the right value for the given pattern.

Criteria for handling digits: Digits were considered difficult if the network could not identify at least 95% of the occurrences of the digit in the data set.

Criteria for handling sets: Sets were considered difficult if the network could not identify at least 90% of the digits in the set.

Control: Fully Connected Network

For a fully connected network, the percentage of recognized digits is 94.6% (227/240).
Some of the numbers are harder to decipher than others, particularly 2, 3, 5 and 8 (could not identify at least 95% of the occurrences of the digit in the data set)
Sets 1, 2, 15, and 16 were harder than the rest (could not identify at least 90% of the digits in the set)

Experiment 1: Feature Detector
Network Architecture: Feature Detector
Hypothesis: Looking at particular sections in the 6 by 6 matrix will allow the neural network to decipher between numbers better.

For this network, the percentage of recognized digits is 94.6% (227/240).
Some of the numbers are harder to decipher than others, particularly 2, 5, 7 and 8.
Sets 1, 2, 3, 15, and 16 were harder than the rest

Conclusion: The feature detector that we came up with did not perform better or worse than the fully-connected network.

Discussion: We feel that the fully-connected network was, over the training period, creating its own feature detector system by modifying the weights between the inputs and the hidden nodes. By doing this, it is effectively determining which hidden nodes will pay attention to which parts of the matrix (each hidden node will probably pay attention to what the network considers the most salient parts of the matrix for this particular teaching set). We suspect that over time the fully connected network may do better than our feature detector. This is because the average error for the fully-connected network decreased at a faster rate than the average error for our feature detector between sweep 25,000 and 40,000. If in fact, the fully connected network is constructing a feature detector, then it's constructing it systematically, whereas our feature detector was constructed arbitrarily.

Experiment 2: Feature Detector (10 nodes) with 5 fully-connected hidden nodes (single hidden layer)
Network Architecture: Hybrid Network
Hypothesis: Since the fully connected network works pretty well, and since the feature detector can deal with some numbers that the fully connected network cannot deal with, then perhaps combining the first two ideas will get us a better neural network.

For this network, the percentage of recognized digits is 97.1% (233/240)
Some of the numbers are harder to decipher than others, particularly the number 2.
Sets 15 and 16 were harder than the rest

Conclusion: This hybrid network worked better than the fully-connected network and the feature detector.

Discussion: Perhaps this network did better because it had more hidden nodes. Therefore, it could create more feature detectors than either of the previous two networks. Perhaps a fully connected network with 15 hidden nodes might outperform the fully-connected, the feature detector and the hybrid neural networks.

Experiment 3: Feature Detector (layer 1) with 10 fully-connected hidden nodes (layer 2)
Note: The second layer is fully connected to layer 1 and the output layer, not the inputs.
Network Architecture: Double-Layer Network
Hypothesis: Perhaps two layers is better than one. And since the hybrid did so well before, perhaps we should incorporate those ideas as well.

For this network, the percentage of recognized digits is 93.8% (225/240)
Some of the numbers are harder to decipher than others, particularly the number 0, 5, 6, and 9.
Sets 2, 15 and 16 were harder than the rest

Conclusion: This network did worse than all the other networks.

Discussion: We can refine our ideas earlier about the benefits of more hidden nodes to say that extra hidden nodes should be included on a single level. Perhaps a double-layer neural network is not suitable for a problem like this, or perhaps this specific double layer (with feature detection on one level and full-connections on the second) is not suitable for this problem. Having two level probably confused the neural network (because two layers of weights had to be changed for each sweep rather than one).

Summary of Results

Experiment Description Performance (%) Difficult Numbers Difficult Sets Clustering
Control fully connected 94.6 2,3,5,8 1,2,15,16 there were distinctive large clusters for 1,2,5,6. there were smaller and numerous clusters of 0,4,7,8 and 9. there were mixed clusters of 0/6/8/2, 7/2, 3/7, 4/9, and 3/9.
1 feature detector 94.6 2,5,7,8 1,2,3,15,16 clustering was clean for 1,5,6, and 3. There were some mixed clusters and they consisted of the numbers 0, 2, 7, and 8. Hidden node activations were similar for 4/9 and 2/7.
2 hybrid 97.1 2 15, 16 surprisingly, clustering for this neural network was not very distinct. there were many small clusters and also mixed clusters. we were unsure of why this was the case.
3 two layers 93.8 0,5,6,9 2,15,16 there were two large mixed clusters . Distinct clusters included 0,1,2,4,6. Smaller distinct clusters included 3,5,6,and 9. Hidden node activations were similar for 4/9 and 2/7

The best network was the hybrid neural network (Experiment 3). It had a higher performance rating, and was able to handle the difficult numbers and sets that the other networks could not. We feel that this was better than the others because it had more nodes than the others and was allowed to create its own feature detectors over time. Another reason the hybrid performs better than the feature detector is perhaps because a fully connected network can learn more quickly than one in which the connections between hidden nodes and inputs are limited.