Reading Journal
Week1 entry due Sunday, Jan. 23 by 11:59pm

Setting up your journal repo

You will only need to do these steps once at the beginning of the semester.

Replace USERNAME with your own username.

  1. Connect to the CS machines:

  2. Clone the journal repo:
    git clone

  3. Then change into that directory and list the directory contents:
    cd journal-USERNAME

You should see that there is a collection of markdown files, one for each week of the semester. These files will form your reading journal for the course.

These files are in a markdown format. You can edit them with your favorite editor and simply enter text. If you'd like to add formatting to your text here is a Markdown Cheat Sheet that shows you how.

Week 1 assignment

Submitting your journal entry

To submit your journal entry use git to add, commit and push the file that you modified.