CS63 Artificial Intelligence

Exam 2 Review


Machine Learning

  1. How can ML also be viewed as a search problem?
  2. Why would we want to give an AI system the opportunity to learn? Why not simply program in the desired behavior?

Artificial Neural Networks

  1. Consider a two-layer neural network with 3 inputs and 1 output that uses the step activation function (returns 1 when the netInput is greater than 0 and otherwise returns 0). Such a model can only solve problems from the class of linearly separable functions.

    For the following problems explain whether the function is linearly separable. You may want to use 3D pictures of cubes to visualize whether the functions are linearly separable. If a function is separable, determine a set of weights that solve the problem (you can do this by hand, you don't need to use the perceptron learning rule).

    • The output turns on whenever more than one of the inputs is on.
    • The output turns on whenever both inputs two and three are on.
    • The output turns on when exactly one input is on.
  2. In what ways are artificial neural networks similar to and different from biological neural networks?
  3. Is backprop guaranteed to converge on a solution?

Deep Learning

  1. What is self-supervised learning? What issues does it address with supervised learning?
  2. What is embodiment? How does it relate to issues with convolution networks?

Reinforcement Learning

  1. Explain in your own words how the Q-learning update rule works to modify the Q-values based on the current action taken and the reward received.
  2. Is RL guaranteed to find the optimal policy?
  3. Consider the following grid-based environment, where the rewards of being in each location are shown.
    2 | 0 | 0 | +1|
    1 | 0 | 0 | -1|
    0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
        0   1   2  
    We will represent the state in column,row format. Suppose that the actions the agent can take are to go north, east, south, or west. If it tries to go a direction that leads it off the boundary of the grid then it remains in its current state, and receives the reward for that state on that action. After 500 steps of training suppose that the Q-table contains the following values.
    state  n     e     s     w
      0,0  0.73  0.69  0.65  0.65 
      0,1  0.76  0.81  0.65  0.72 
      0,2  0.00  0.90  0.17  0.00 
      1,0  0.81  0.00  0.35  0.48 
      1,1  0.90  -0.97 0.62  0.67 
      1,2  0.82  1.00  0.79  0.68 
      2,0  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.21 
    Using the grid below, draw an arrow in each location to show the agent's current policy based on the Q-table.
    2 |   |   |   |
    1 |   |   |   |
    0 |   |   |   |
        0   1   2  
  4. Is this policy optimal?

Genetic Algorithms

  1. How are the three operators of GA inspired by biological evolution?
  2. How is a GA similar to and different from Beam Search?
  3. In your own words, summarize the result of the schema theorem.
  4. How did we use a GA to solve reinforcement learning problems?

Evaluating Classic AI

Evaluating Machine Learning

Explain all of the following issues with deep learning systems and give one example of each problem: