CS63 HW8: Subsumption

Due by noon Monday, Dec. 10

You may work with a partner on this assignment. Do an update63 to get the starting point files. Your solution should be saved in the file cs63/homework/08/subsumption.py.


You will write a single subsumption-style brain that can find the light in the series of increasingly more difficult worlds shown below. These worlds are named:

As a starting point, you may use the FindLight0.py brain that we discussed in class. In order to solve this problem you have several options. One option would be to add a wall following behavior to help you find the light when it is not immediately visible. Another option would be to add a behavior that would seek out open space as a way to force the robot to explore the environment and search for the light. You are also welcome to add more complex behaviors that would save some sort of state about the world, such as a map of visited locations. However, you are not allowed to use any global information about the robot's location or heading or the light's location to help you solve this problem.

On Tuesday, Dec. 11 we will demo your solutions for the class and we will also see if your robot can handle a new, even more difficult environment.


Once you are satisfied with your program, hand it in by typing handin63 at the unix prompt.