ID3 Pseudocode

id3(examples, attributes) 
   examples are the training examples.  attributes is a list of
   attributes that may be tested by the learned decison tree.  Returns
   a tree that correctly classifies the given examples. Assume that
   the targetAttribute, which is the attribute whose value is to be
   predicted by the tree, is a class variable.
   node = DecisionTreeNode(examples)
   # handle target attributes with arbitrary labels
   dictionary = summarizeExamples(examples, targetAttribute)
   for key in dictionary:
       if dictionary[key] == total number of examples
          node.label = key
          return node
   # test for number of examples to avoid overfitting
   if attributes is empty or number of examples < minimum allowed per branch:
      node.label = most common value in examples
      return node
   bestA = the attribute with the most information gain
   node.decision = bestA
   for each possible value v of bestA:
      subset = the subset of examples that have value v for bestA
      if subset is not empty:
         node.addBranch(id3(subset, targetAttribute, attributes-bestA))
   return node

Information Gain Pseudocode

infoGain(examples, attribute, entropyOfSet)
   gain = entropyOfSet
   for value in attributeValues(examples, attribute):
       sub = subset(examples, attribute, value)
       gain -=  (number in sub)/(total number of examples) * entropy(sub)
   return gain

Entropy Pseudocode

   log2(x) = log(x)/log(2)
   result = 0
   # handle target attributes with arbitrary labels
   dictionary = summarizeExamples(examples, targetAttribute)
   for key in dictionary:
       proportion = dictionary[key]/total number of examples
       result -= proportion * log2(proportion)
   return result