Wheel-of-Fortune Example 1

$ python wof.py

----- Wheel of Fortune v0.1 -----

phrase: ---- ---- -- ---- ---- ----  [$0]

1. spin     2. buy      3. guess    4. quit     
choice? 1
                guessed so far: 
letter: s
Number of S's in the phrase: 2
phrase: ---- ---S -- --S- ---- ----  [$2000]

1. spin     2. buy      3. guess    4. quit     
choice? 1
                guessed so far: S
letter: m
Number of M's in the phrase: 2
phrase: ---- ---S -- M-S- --M- ----  [$4800]

1. spin     2. buy      3. guess    4. quit     
choice? 1
                guessed so far: SM
letter: t
Number of T's in the phrase: 2
phrase: ---T ---S -- M-ST --M- ----  [$6400]

1. spin     2. buy      3. guess    4. quit     
choice? 2
                guessed so far: SMT
vowel: u
Number of U's in the phrase: 2
phrase: ---T ---S U- MUST --M- ----  [$6150]

1. spin     2. buy      3. guess    4. quit     
choice? 3
guess the phrase: what goes up must come down
You got it!!

Your winnings: $6150

Return to Lab 07
Example 2