CS21 Homework 12
Due Tuesday, December 9 by 11:30pm


The goal for this assignment is for you to gain more experience creating libraries and using files, while also learning how to use structures and linked lists. You may use the book's simpio.h library to read input, if you'd like. You may work with a partner for this assignment. Again, be sure to add a comment to the top of your programs with both partner's names. Only one partner needs to turn in the code.

Suppose that the Office of Homeland Security is interested in developing an automatic process for scanning through text files (such as email) looking for potential plots against the United States. To accomplish this, further suppose that this agency has produced a list of potentially dangerous words and given each word a rating. Higher ratings equate to more dangerous words. For example, a portion of this list might include the following:

plot 5
plan 5
secret 25
destruction 40
devastate 40
devastation 40
revolt 50
revolution 50
bomb 100
crash 100

For this assignment you will develop a program that will create a dictionary of potentially dangerous words, scan files of text looking for these words, and then return a total rating of potential danger for the entire file.

For example, consider the following three files:

Below is a sample run of the scanner program working on these three files and the list of dangerous words given previously.

This program scans text files searching for possible plots
against the government.  It returns an overall danger rating
for each file scanned.

Dictionary contains 16 entries:
bomb 100
crash 100
destruction 40
devastate 40
devastation 40
frighten 80
frightening 80
hunt 60
hunting 60
kill 250
molest 150
plan 5
plot 5
revolt 50
revolution 50
secret 25

Enter file to be scanned> text1
Found: secret                         Score:     25
Found: plan                           Score:      5
Found: revolution                     Score:     50
Found: plan                           Score:      5
                                      TOTAL:     85

Continue scanning files (y/n)? y
Enter file to be scanned> tetx2
Unable to open file, try again.
Enter file to be scanned> text2
                                      TOTAL:      0

Continue scanning files (y/n)? y 
Enter file to be scanned> text3
Found: bomb                           Score:    100
Found: crash                          Score:    100
Found: destruction                    Score:     40
                                      TOTAL:    240

Continue scanning files (y/n)? n

Notice that this technique of simply rating words can be helpful in some situations. For instance, this method rates the file text1 to be more dangerous than the file text2. However it rates the file text3 to be the most dangerous. The problem is that this technique does not consider the meaning of the text, only the words it contains, and words can have many different meanings depending on the context. Despite this problem, this is a fast method for identifying text files that should be reviewed more carefully by a human reader who can more easily interpret the context.

Getting Started

This program will consist of several files.

dangerWords.datThe list of dangerous words and their associated ratings
dict.hThe interface for the dictionary library
dict.cThe implementation of the dictionary library
fileScanner.cThe main program for performing file scanning

It will be useful to use a makefile to manage the compilation process. This will create an executable file called scanner.

Part A: Creating a dictionary library

In many applications, it is useful to be able to associate a string with a definition in much the same way that a dictionary does. At one point in the program, you can enter a definition for a particular string; at a later point, you can look up that string to find its definition. More formally, what you need is a package that allows you to associate a value with a particular key (the Define operation), and later, to retrieve any value associated with that key (the Lookup operation).

To test your dictionary, create a simple main program in fileScanner.c that creates a new dictionary, defines a few words, prints the dictionary, and attempts to look up words that are present and that are not present in the dictionary. Below is an example program that uses the dictionary interface.

#include "dict.h"

main() {
  Define("apple", 10);
  Define("banana", 20);
  Define("pear", 5);
  Define("orange", 15);
  printf("Looking up apple: %d\n", Lookup("apple"));
  printf("Looking up pear: %d\n", Lookup("pear"));
  printf("Looking up grape: %d\n", Lookup("grape"));
Here is the output this should produce:
Dictionary contains 4 entries:
apple 10
banana 20
orange 15
pear 5

Looking up apple: 10
Looking up pear: 5
Looking up grape: -1

You should perform more extensive tests of your dictionary implementation to be sure that it is working properly. Only go on to the next part, once your dictionary is completed.

Part B: The main program for scanning files

There are two major parts to scanning text files in search of dangerous words.

Handing in your solution

Use cs21handin to turn in the following files. You do not need to turn in dict.h because it should not be modified.