CS21 Homework 7
Due Sunday, October 19 by 11:30pm
Note that this is due at the end of Fall break.


In this assignment you will practice using arrays to process lists of numbers. This assignment has been adapted from programming exercises 11.3, 11.4, and 11.7 from our textbook The Art and Science of C. You should work on your own for this assignment.

Statistical Analysis

A primary purpose of statistical analysis is to find ways to compress a set of data into summary information that expresses properties of the data. The most common statistical measure is the mean, which is simply the average. Another common statistical measure is the standard deviation, which provides an indication of how much the individual values in the data differ from the mean. Finally, a histogram is a graphical way of summarizing data by dividing it into separate ranges and then indicating how many data values fall into each range. The histogram portion of this assignment is optional; you may do this for extra credit if you are interested. Here is a sample run of a program that performs these statistical analyses:
This program will analyze a list of integers by calculating
the mean and the standard deviation.  It will also print a
histogram of the values. It expects the values to be integers
between 0 and 100.

Enter integers to be stored, -1 to end.
? 90
? 89
? 97
? 95
? 123
Values should be between 0 and 100. Try again.
? 84
? 71
? 78
? 88
? 82
? 100
? 55
? -1

Mean: 84.4545

Standard Deviation: 12.3241

   0 -   9 | 
  10 -  19 | 
  20 -  29 | 
  30 -  39 | 
  40 -  49 | 
  50 -  59 | *
  60 -  69 | 
  70 -  79 | **
  80 -  89 | ****
  90 -  99 | ***
 100 - 100 | *

Program Requirements

Handing in your solution

Use cs21handin to turn in your program.