Answers to Chapter 6 Review Questions ------------------------------------- 3. If n has a divisor that is greater than sqrt(n), then it must also have one that is less than sqrt(n) (ex: sqrt(100)=10, divisors = 50,2; 25,4; 20,5; and 10). Finding the divisors that are less than sqrt(n) is enough to prove n is not prime. 4. Move any calculations that don't need to be in the loop out in front of the loop (i.e., no need to calculate a constant over and over inside the loop). 8. The Error function does not return to the caller, but terminates the program after it prints out the error message. Also, it automatically includes the \n, and starts the string to print with "Error: ". 10. Use the preceeding term if you can, because it is more efficient. 11. while (term != 0) will continue to run, even if term is insignificant, as long as it is not exactly zero. 12. Special case test for x=0 to stay within the radius of convergence (0 < x < 2) for the the Taylor series formula using a=1.