CS 21, Spring 2017

Designing and Defining Classes

Complete the following exercises using paper and pencil:

  1. Imagine you are writing a class to represent information on a Swarthmore student. This Student class should keep track of the student's name, class year, and dormitory. It might have methods for 'getting' and 'setting' each of these pieces of data. Pick names and types for each of the instance variables you think this class would need. Write the __init__ method for this class. Write the __str__ method for this class so that it prints out information about a student like this:

    >>> student1 = Student("David", "Mauskop", "2020", "Parrish")
    >>> print(student1)
    D. Mauskop ('20) - Parrish
  2. Think about how you'd define a class to represent dice (singular: 'Die'). If you wanted this Die class to support the constructor and methods below, what instance variable(s) would it need?

    Die(sides): constructor that takes the number of sides
    getNumSides(): returns the number of sides this die has
    roll(): simulates a roll of this die, returning a number chosen at random 
            from 1 to the number of sides
    rollNTimes(n): simulates n rolls of this die, returning a list of the results

    What if we a wanted to add a method, countOccurences(k) that returned the number of times this die has produced a roll of k in its lifetime? What additional instance variable(s) would we need? Implement this method.

    Write code that creates a twenty sided die, rolls it 100 times, and prints out the number of 15s that occurred in those 100 rolls.

    What instance variable(s) would be required to support a getHistory(n) method that returns a list of all the rolls that have happened in this die's lifetime?

  3. Write the __init__ method for a Book class with instance variables to keep track of a book's title, author, price, genre, page count, and reviews. When the Book object is constructed, there will be no reviews--these will be added later through the addReview(review) method. Show how you might implement this method. Write methods called getPrice() and setPrice(newPrice) that let you access and change the price of the book.

  4. Design a ShoppingCart class that might be used by an online store. Objects of this class should know: the customer's name, the customer's address, the items in the customer's shopping cart, and the prices of these items. Describe the names and types for the instance variables of this class. Write the __init__ method for this class and then write an addItem(itemName, itemPrice) method that adds an item to the list of items and its price to the list of prices.

  5. Design a NetflixAccount class that keeps track of the username and movie reviews for a Netflix user. Rather than have separate instance variables to represent the list of movies a user has watched and the list of their corresponding reviews (from 1 to 5), keep one list of MovieReview objects. The MovieReview(name, rating) constructor takes the name of a movie as a string and the rating as an int from 1 to 5. Assume the MovieReview class has already been implemented. Write the __init__ method and an addReview(movie, rating) method for the NetflixAccount class.

    How could we refine our ShoppingCart class so that, like the NetflixAccount class, it only needs one list, instead of separate lists for the items and item prices?

  6. Write a Burger class that knows whether it is a veggie burger or a hamburger, what toppings it has, and how many bites it has left. Assume a burger initially has 10 bites. Here's a description of the interface for this class:

    Burger(isVeggie): constructor for Burger class. If isVeggie is 
                      True, that means it's a veggie burger.
    addTopping(toppingName): adds a topping to the burger
    takeBite(): take one of the 10 bites out of the burger, assuming 
                there is at least one bite left.

    Write an __str__ method for this class so that printing the burger looks like:

    >>> burger1 = Burger(False)
    >>> burger1.addTopping("lettuce")
    >>> burger1.addTopping("tomato")
    >>> burger1.addTopping("cheddar cheese")
    >>> burger1.takeBite()
    "Yummm. You have 9 bites left."
    >>> print(burger1)
    Hamburger with lettuce, tomato, cheddar cheese.
    9 bites left.
    >>> burger2 = Burger(True)
    >>> print(burger2)
    Veggie burger with no toppings.
    10 bites left.

    If the takeBite() method is called on a burger with no bites left, it should print something like, 'Sorry, you already finished this burger.'