snapshots (backups) and automounts

Each lab machine uses NFS to mount /snapshots from beet. Each day, every 4 hours, beet uses rsync to make a copy or snapshot of all user home directories. We also take a snapshot of /var/mail once each day.

Use df to see which disk (user1, user2, or staff) has your home directory. Then you can cd there and copy files back.

wasabi[~]$ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      255G   27G  215G  11% /home/ru1

So user ru1's directory in on the users2 disk. Here's an example of user ru1 deleting an important file and getting it back from /snapshots:

wasabi[~]$ rm .bashrc
rm: remove regular file `.bashrc'? y

wasabi[~]$ recover

Here are the last five daily snapshot times:

drwxr-xr-x 5 root root  4096 May 26 21:45 daily.0
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root  4096 May 25 21:45 daily.1
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root  4096 May 24 21:45 daily.2
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root  4096 May 23 21:45 daily.3
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root  4096 May 22 21:46 daily.4

  Your disk is users2, so  you can copy a file back from a previous
  snapshot using a command like this:
	  cp /snapshots/SNAPSHOTDIRECTORY/users2/ru1/PATHTOFILE . 

wasabi[ru1]$ cp /snapshots/daily.1/users2/ru1/.bashrc .

automount automatically mounts home and scratch directories when they are needed, and unmounts them when they are idle. This can be confusing when you look for directories in /home or /scratch.

wasabi[~]$ pwd
wasabi[~]$ ls /home

wasabi[~]$ ls /home/jk
ls: cannot access /home/jk: No such file or directory
wasabi[~]$ ls /home/jk/.
cs21/    diglog/	snowmen/ ...

wasabi[~]$ ls /home
jk/  ru1/

wasabi[~]$ ls /scratch

wasabi[~]$ ls /scratch/ru1
ls: cannot access /scratch/ru1: No such file or directory

wasabi[~]$ ls /scratch/ru1/.

wasabi[~]$ ls /scratch