using screen for long-running jobs

screen is a program that allows you to start a session and then detach from that session without killing the session. For example, you could start a job in a screen session, detach and log out, then log in to the same computer from home and reattach to that session.

SPINACH[~]$ screen
(shows screen splash screen)
SPINACH[~]$ ./
This program will calculate all known perfect numbers...

Perfect Numbers
1 not perfect...
2 not perfect...
3 not perfect...
4 not perfect...
5 not perfect...
(hit Ctrl-a d)
[detached from 29395.pts-3.spinach]
SPINACH[~]$ exit

...3 hours later...

SPINACH[~]$ screen -r
38268 not perfect...
38269 not perfect...
38270 not perfect...
38271 not perfect...
38272 not perfect...
38273 not perfect...
SPINACH[~]$ Ctrl-d  
[screen is terminating]

Note: this is only useful for non-graphical programs, but some students were using xvfb and screen this last semester.