hpsum -- hardware performance summarizer


	poe "hpsum [-i[m|s|M|h] interval] [-q|-v] prgname prgopt1 prgopt2 ..." 


	-i	Specifies the interval at which to take recordings.  Valid interval
		types include 'm' (millisecond), 's' (second), 'M' (minute), and 'h'
		(hour).  In addition, an 'interval' can be given to specify that
		readings should only be taken every 'interval' of whatever interval
		type has been requested

	-q	Specifies that the program clean up after itself and remove the
		datafile directory after printing the summary (this is the default

	-v	Specifies that the program leave the data directory and its files
		behind after completing the summary (note: this is necessary if
		you want to use hpsum-plot.pl


	(these examples should work from either the command prompt or a script)

	If you have a program named mpfoo, taking the arguments -opt "bar", and
	want just the basic summary (note the double quotes are escaped):

	sh$ poe "hpsum mpfoo -opt \"bar\""

	If mpfoo is a very fast-exiting program, the default time resolution
	might not be satisfactory.  The following command will take readings
	every 10 milliseconds, giving a more accurate account in the summary:

	sh$ poe "hpsum -im 10 mpfoo -opt \"bar\""

	If you want to use hpsum-plot.pl on the data collected from the
	above command:

	sh$ poe "hpsum -im 10 -v mpfoo -opt \"bar\""
	sh$ hpsum-plot.pl

	Finally, here's a full example of submitting an arbitrary job
	with an ll script on one of the SP machines (make sure you
	change the variables according to your machine)


	#@ job_name = namd
	#@ output   = namd.4.8.$(host).$(jobid).out
	#@ error    = namd.4.8.$(host).$(jobid).err
	#@ job_type = parallel
	#@ class    = regular
	#@ node             = 4
	#@ tasks_per_node   = 8
	#@ network.MPI      = css0,not_shared,us
	#@ node_usage       = not_shared
	#@ wall_clock_limit = 2:00:00
	#@ environment      = MPI_SHARED_MEMORY=yes; COPY_ALL
	#@ queue

	# take off the -v if you don't care about the real-time data
	poe hpsum -is 2 -v "namd2 er-gre.namd"
	and then submit it like you normally would:

	sh$ llsubmit ll-script.4.8
	If you'd like to see the graphical anaylysis of running this command
	(run on the development SP machine), see the page on 