CS35 Lab 4: A discrete simulation

Due by 11:59pm Wednesday, September 28, 2011
In this lab you will implement a templated C++ linked list and then use that linked list to simulate the behavior of shoppers in a grocery store, comparing the behavior of two scenarios described below. To get started, run update35 from a computer science lab computer. The program update35 will create a cs35/labs/04 directory in your CS home directory, and the program handin35 will subsequently submit files from that directory.

This lab will require much more time than the earlier labs in the course. Because you will use many pointers in this lab, you will probably have more trouble debugging your program than in labs 01 or 02.

You will earn reasonable partial credit for this lab if you complete and test your linked list implementation. For full credit you also must complete at least one of the simulated shopping scenarios; to do that, you should expect to have already completed and tested your linked list before the end of the Monday night ninja session.


In a normal store there are two possible strategies for queuing shoppers to check out their purchases:

  1. Have a distinct line for each checkout register. To check out through a given register, a customer must wait in that register's checkout line.
  2. Have one checkout line for the entire store, regardless of the number of checkout registers. When a customer reaches the front of the line, they may proceed to the first available checkout register.
It is not immediately clear which strategy is superior. In fact, the true answer is complex and depends on various reasonable assumptions about the queues and shopper behavior. Your goal in this lab is to determine which strategy is better given a set of assumptions described below.

We will only consider stores with two checkout registers. For both strategy scenarios, we will assume that all shoppers enter the store simultaneously, but each shopper finishes shopping at some time specified by the user input (that shopper's timeDoneShopping). For each shopper, the user also specifies how much time that shopper spends at the checkout register after they reach the register (the timeSpentAtRegister). A checkout line can be arbitrarily long, but only one shopper is at each register at a time.

In the one-line scenario, each shopper's behavior is naturally defined: each shopper shops until her specified timeDoneShopping. She then gets in the only checkout line. When she reaches the front of the line she waits until there is an available register, then proceeds to that register. She then waits at that register for her timeSpentAtRegister, at which point she can exit the store.

The two-line scenario is similar, except that each shopper must choose one of the two lines when she is done shopping. At timeDoneShopping, she gets in the checkout line that currently contains the fewest shoppers, without any information about how long those shoppers will spend at the register. After all, this can be hard to predict. ("Pardon me, sonny, I think I have a coupon here, somewhere...") If both checkout lines are empty and one of the registers is available, the shopper can go straight to the available register. If both lines otherwise contain the same number of shoppers, the shopper always gets in the line for register 1.

At the conclusion of the simulation, your program should specify the total time spent in line for all shoppers. This total time should not include the time each shopper spent shopping or the time each shopper spent at the checkout register itself.

Implementation details

We have provided a templated List interface, matching the one given in lecture. You must define and implement a LinkedList class that implement the List interface, without altering the List interface. We've also provided a Shopper class which provides an interface for setting and accessing basic information about each shopper.

After you have completed and tested your LinkedList you should write two separate programs, one-line and two-lines for the one-line and two-line shopping simulations, respectively. Both of those programs should accept the same input format, which consists of:

You may assume that at least two shoppers enter the store, that the user enters shoppers in increasing order by their timeDoneShopping and that all times are positive integers. You do not need to sort or otherwise validate user input.

Here is an example execution of the two shopping simulations:
  $ ./one-line
  How many shoppers will enter the store?  4

  Please enter the time done shopping and time spent at register
  for the 4 shoppers: 
  5 8
  12 12
  22 10
  23 19

  Total time spent waiting:  1

  $ ./two-lines
  How many shoppers will enter the store?  4

  Please enter the time done shopping and time spent at register
  for the 4 shoppers: 
  5 8
  12 12
  22 10
  23 19

  Total time spent waiting:  9

An implementation strategy
You should always program incrementally such that you can test your work as you go. Here is one suggested strategy:
  1. Start by implementing the LinkedListNode class -- which consists of a constructor, destructor and simple access and update functions -- then test your implementation using a test program or gdb.
  2. Implement the LinkedList constructor, then either implement a print() method or use gdb to verify that your list is correctly constructed.
  3. Implement one of insertAtHead or insertAtTail. Then implement getSize, isEmpty, peekHead and peekTail. Use print or gdb to verify correctness.
  4. Implement getItem and verify.
  5. Implement removeHead or removeTail and verify. Then implement the other function and verify.
  6. Implement the destructor. Carefully consider every possible way that your class might allocate memory on the heap, and be sure that there is a corresponding call to delete for each call to new.
At this point you should have a complete working LinkedList class whose behavior matches the ArrayList from lecture (except that the example ArrayList has a capacity of just 10 items, whereas your LinkedList should have no artificial capacity limits). Write a small test program to verify that your LinkedList matches the ArrayList's behavior.

You should not under any circumstances begin the shopping simulation until you have thoroughly verified the correctness of your LinkedList class. Any bugs in your LinkedList class will hinder progress on the shopping simulation.

Work on just one shopping simulation at a time. Do not consider starting the second shopping simulation until your first simulation is complete. I have no recommendation about which scenario -- one line or two -- is easier. After you have completed and tested one scenario, the second scenario is much easier to complete as it should use the same input format and similar representations for the shoppers, lines, and register data.

Advice and hints


Once you are satisfied with your program, hand it in by typing handin35 at the unix prompt.

You may run handin35 as many times as you like, and only the most recent submission will be recorded. This is useful if you realize after handing in some programs that you'd like to make a few more changes to them.