CS88 Lab 5: Network Security: Packet Sniffing

Lab Due Date: Tuesday, November 22nd, 11:59 PM

Handy References

Lab 5 Goals

  • Learn how packet sniffing and packet spoofing tools work

  • Use the socket API to spoof packets

  • Manipulate packets using the C pcap library and Scapy in Python


This lab is built on the SEED Labs for Security Education project by Prof. Wenliang Du, at Syracuse University. Images and network terminology based on Computer Networking a Top-Down Approach by Profs. Kurose and Ross.

In this lab we will inspect packets over the network, and strip away each layer and its associated header data, to see how packets are sent, received, sniffed and spoofed!

Layering and Protocols

At each layer of the Network Protocol stack, we will have packets that have two distinct parts: the header, and the payload. As we have seen in the pre-class videos, as we go down the 5-layer stack, the packet at the application layer, forms the payload for the transport layer and the packet at the transport layer forms the payload for the network layer and so on.

But what exactly goes into a header of a packet? You can think of a header, as meta-data about the payload. The header information is added by the protocol in use at a particular layer in the network protocol stack.


For example, if we want reliable end-to-end packet delivery at the transport layer, then we would need transport-layer header information that includes packet sequence numbers, retransmission times, number of packets in flight, etc.

We will see as we go along that, at each layer of the network protocol stack, there are different protocols with their own specific header data, that allow us to express different types of service and functionality.

In this lab, we will use three machines that are connected to the same Local Area Network. A Local Area Network or LAN is used typically on university and corporate campuses to connect end hosts. These machines are connected usually using Ethernet. Wired Ethernet typically refers to twisted-pair copper wire physical links, as well as the link-layer protocol that defines how the link should be shared between different machines.

LAN Setup

In a Wireless LAN setting, wireless end hosts talk to a wireless access point using the IEEE 802.11 protocol colloquially known as WiFi.

Lab Setup

The lab setup for our network is shown above. We will launch all our attacks from the attacker container.

  • To make our task of editing code and inspecting packets easier, we will use the VM to write code and then move the code into the ./volumes folder on the host machine (the VM).

  • This folder is shared between the VM and the attacker container. When we fire up the attacker container, and docksh into the attacker container, we can move the code from ./volumes into the appropriate directories (like we did in previous labs).

  • The attacker container has been setup to sniff packets on all the host’s network interfaces (i.e., it lives in the same network namespace as the host VM).


Clean Up the Previous Lab Setup. In the previous lab, we modified the /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head file. We want to now set it back to what it was originally. To do so, follow the steps below in your VM:

  • Open /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head in your favorite editor and remove the line nameserver Save the file and close.

  • Run sudo resolvconf -u.

  • To make sure we are all set, run the following. If your SERVER entry looks the same you should be all set for this lab.

$ dig www.google.com

www.google.com.     133 IN  A

;; Query time: 19 msec
  • If despite the above steps, the client server program does not run, open /etc/resolv.conf in your favorite editor, and add nameserver to the very top of this file. You should now be all set.

Task 1: Network Forensics

In this task, we will get familiar with Wireshark, a packet analysis tool to inspect, and filter packets. You should be in your VM for this task, but there is no need to build the docker container yet.

  • Given the five-layer internet protocol stack we saw above, where do we think this stack lives? It lives in the O.S of every endhost connected to the network!

    • While the application layer is running as a user process, the task of constructing the headers from the transport layer and below are the Operating System’s responsibility. (In fact, an active area of research, is trying to figure out how an extremely low-powered IoT device can or even if it should, run the five-layer protocol stack).

  • First let’s run through some warm-up exercises that Ben Marks shared with us during the guest lecture. Go to this page https://www.cs.swarthmore.edu//~bmarks1/pcaps/ and download the PCAP files associated with the following exercises:

    • Warm Up

    • Adventure A

    • Adventure B

    • Adventure C

For this task, we will download the PCAP files outside your lab5 folder. Remember not to git push PCAP files!
  • Looking at a PCAP File in Wireshark: Open Wireshark in the VM (the app with the fin icon on the left of your homescreen), and click on the orange folder icon, to open the PCAP file. Here are more detailed instructions for reference.

    • The term PCAP stands for a packet capture, i.e., the process of saving or "capturing" network packets, that your machine can listen to on a shared Local Area Network. Once you store your captured stream of packets in the PCAP format, you can port them to any machine to view. One way to view them is using a GUI interface such as Wireshark.

Understanding the various sections in Wireshark

Once you fire up Wireshark and load the PCAP file, you should be all set to look at the various views that Wireshark offers when inspecting packets. Remember that packets are simply units of data, represented in bits.

  • Wireshark is performing the task of parsing those bytes, and displaying the header and payload information of the packet at each layer of the protocol stack.

  • The Main Window: The Main Window in wireshark, is home to The Packet List Pane which shows the list of captured packets, in our case, packets from the PCAP file.

    • We can also see packets traversing our Local Area Network, and we’ll see how to do so shortly.

  • Packet Details Pane: Next, below that we have the Packet Details Pane, which shows the details of the currently selected packet. You can click on different packets in this PCAP file to inspect each packet.

    • Here, you will see the encapsulation (shown in Figure 1), that we’ve been talking so much about. On most packets you observe, you will see that the first layer is the Ethernet (a link layer protocol), followed by IP (the network layer protocol), followed by UDP/TCP (transport layer protocols), and above that, the application layer protocol (DNS, HTTP, etc).

    • In the packet layers you might also notice a Linux cooked capture "layer". You can think of this as metadata tacked on when we are capturing packets on wireshark.

  • The Packet Bytes Pane: In the final pane at the bottom, is the Packet Bytes Pane, that shows the hexdump of the packet. I.e., the bytes of the entrie packet represented in hexadecimal.

    • If you click on various sections of the packet in the Packet Details Pane, you can see the corresponding bytes in the Packet Bytes Pane.

  • Below are hints to get started with each of the PCAP files for the Warm-Up and Adventures A-C.

Warm-Up Exercise

The Warm-Up Exercise is asking you to answer the following questions:

  • Which IP address received the most packets?

  • Which IP address sent the fewest packets?

  • Which IP address sent the most bytes?

To answer statistics based questions it’s helpful to look at the Statistics Menu in Wireshark, and in particular the Endpoints Window.

Adventure A

  • In this PCAP file, you will see packets marked with different coloring rules. Take a look at Wireshark’s rules to indicate various properties of a packet. Which colors do you see most often?

  • For this adventure we want to investigate the PCAP file to find an attacker trying to send data out. Since the data is usually the payload section of the packet, this is the region of the packet we care about.

  • An additional hint we have here is that the attacker is using a protocol that is not TCP and it is not UDP. You can setup Display Filter Rules, to specify that we don’t want to view specific packets. Here are some examples.

  • Take a look at the following references for ICMP here and here, a network diagnostic protocol and OSPF, a network routing protocol.

  • Once you find the IP you are interested in, you can filter on the IP using ip.src == <ip_addr>.

  • If you want to extract only the data region you can click on the Packet Details window, right-click and choose "Apply as column".

  • We can also additionally extract the column by going to File → Export Packet Dissections → As CSV.

  • If you’d like to look at the entire data being exfiltrated you can extract the data from the csv file and go to https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/

Record your responses in lab5-worksheet.adoc.

Adventure B

In this adventure we are trying to find hackers who have accessed the security cameras in the building through a security vulnerability in the web server.

The vulnerability is described in this link as well as this link.

You can use the methods we looked at in the warm-up and Adventure A, to figure out which security cameras (identified by their IP addresses), are being hacked.

If you want to filter on a particular HTTP method you can use http.request.method == "<your method>". In particular, you might want to find a command injection of the form cmd=<some_string>.
Record your responses in lab5-worksheet.adoc.

Adventure C

In this final adventure we are trying to find suspicious activity on UDP Port 53, and in particular, find a 12 character hex string. Port 53 is a reserved port for a specific application layer service.

  • Try investigating which application this maps to, before applying your display filters.

  • Once you find the data exfiltration payload (everything before code.zip), you can use CyberChef to decode it.

You might want to apply two filters in sequence in CyberChef to get to the final answer.

  • After you are done with the first filter you should see something that looks like a hexdump

  • You should also have a password that you’ve retrieved from the DNS queries. Use the password to run your second unzip filter to get the 12 character hex string.

Record your responses in lab5-worksheet.adoc.

Task 2: Build a simple client server program

Build your docker container

  • In your VM cd into the lab folder lab5, and start up the docker container as follows:

    seed@VM:~/.../lab5$ dcup
    Creating network "net-" with the default driver
    Creating seed-attacker  ... done
    Creating hostA- ... done
    Creating hostB- ... done
    Attaching to seed-attacker, hostB-, hostA-
    hostB- |  * Starting internet superserver inetd                  [ OK ]
    hostA- |  * Starting internet superserver inetd                  [ OK ]
  • Let’s now look at the list of networked devices that are running:

    lab5$ docker network ls
    NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER              SCOPE
    6a695e3c95c3        bridge              bridge              local
    b3581338a28d        host                host                local
    0dd5ef8e67b1        net-        bridge              local
    77acecccbe26        none                null                local

We will be using the net-, network to both sniff and spoof packets.

Socket Programming

As we saw in class, a protocol defines both the message + header format and transfer procedure. We saw that like a human protocol (initial Hello), the network protocol must first establish a connection, before we start sending and receiving data.

  • To establish this connection, the application layer message, relies on a transport layer protocol - either TCP (reliable delivery) or UDP (unreliable delivery). In this section of the lab, we will write a simple UDP client-server program.

  • To start a UDP connection, we associate the client with a socket. You can think of a socket as a construct offered by the O.S. that functions like a mailbox used to send and receive mail.

Figure 1. The Socket interface sits between the Application layer and the transport layer. We associate the client and and server with a socket to communicate across the network. The routers in between do not "speak" the transport layer or application layer protocols. This is analogous to not having the postal mail system look inside your mail package!
  • To traverse the Internet stack we have in the figure above, as the user interacting with the application layer service, we need to specify the following elements of our packet to the O.S. socket.

Pull up hello_world_client.py and follow along with the header information to be filled at each layer, as shown below.
  1. @ Application Layer: Payload: the actual data or message that we want to send across to the receiving entity.

  2. @ Transport Layer:

    • Choice of transport layer: In our case, UDP or a socket of type DGRAM.

    • Port Number: Used by the application to figure out which application service we want the packet to go to. Since we are creating our own echo service, we can specify any port number above 4096. Lower port numbers (<4096) are reserved port numbers used to implement widely used application-layer protocols.

  3. @ Network Layer:

    • Choice of network layer protocol: There’s only one that everyone uses and specified in our socket using socket.AF_INET.

    • IP destination address:

Write a simple client program

In this task we will build a simple echo client-server program. To test our client, we will fire-up a server that simply echos whatever the client has sent it. The client hello_world_client.py initiates communication, and a server that is always-on, passively waits and responds.

Complete hello_world_client.py and then follow along below to create your first client server program.

Running a server using netcat: netcat is a powerful network command-line utility for reading data on the wire (listening in or reading data going to specific ports, or IP addresses) and can also be used to write data out to an end host. We will use netcat to act as a test server to test if our hello_world_client.py is functioning correctly.

  • To pull up a network server let’s use netcat: Open a new terminal window in your lab5 folder and run the netcat command, nc.

    # open netcat in listening mode (-l) using UDP (-u) and show us verbose output (-v), and (-n) to use the IP address that maps to localhost.
    lab5$ sudo nc -luvn <port_number_used_in_client>
    Bound on <port_number_used_in_client>
  • Now we’re ready to fire up our client in a different terminal.

    lab5$ sudo ./hello_world_client.py

    You should now see the following received on the server end. Note: your port number on the third line (the 5 digit value after the IP address) will look different.

    [Line Numbers:]
    1: lab5$ sudo nc -luvn <port_number_used_in_hello_client.py>
    2: Bound on <port_number>
    3: Connection received on 35987
    4: Hello, World!
  • If you see the same output as above, congratulations!! You’ve written your first network client :). Note here that the client and server scripts run on the same machine (your VM), but you could also run them on different machines.

Running the client-server program on different machines

  • This time, let’s view the packets traversing our virtual network! We want to run the client on the attacker machine. To do so, copy hello_world_client.py into volumes, and then run dockps to see the docker containers that currently exist.

    lab5$ dockps
    1119db9933d2  hostB-
    ec9f6c07f076  hostA-
    20b023d534f7  seed-attacker
  • docksh into the seed-attacker and copy the files over from volumes to a new directory /home/seed/lab5/ using the following commands:

    # SSH into seed-attacker
    root@VM:# mkdir /home/seed/lab5
    root@VM:# cp /volumes/*.py  /home/seed/lab5/
    root@VM:# cd /home/seed/lab5/
  • Similarly, docksh into hostB, and let’s run the server code nc -luvn 9090 on hostB. .

    • Note that since these two programs are now running on different machines, you might want to think about which IP address to use in your client program to make sure that the packet reaches the server on Host B.

  • Your server program should show you the same output that we had when both client and server were running on the same machine.

View the packet on Wireshark

Open wireshark in your virtual machine so we can sniff packets on our virtual network. To do so, our first step is going to be to identify the ID associated with our network. Run the following command in a new terminal window

$ docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER              SCOPE
6a695e3c95c3        bridge              bridge              local
b3581338a28d        host                host                local
0dd5ef8e67b1        net-        bridge              local
77acecccbe26        none                null                local

Now in wireshark, identify the interface associated with net- --- In this example the ID is 0dd5ef8e67b1. You should see the same interface ID (with br- preceding the ID) displayed in Wireshark. Click on this interface to get started.

Now, send the packet from the client to the server. What are the three packets that you see traversing the network? Record your responses in lab5-worksheet.adoc.

If everything went correctly, you should see packets 4, 5, 6 as shown below:


Write a simple server program

Now let’s write our server program! We can similarly write a server program. The starting code is given in hello_world_server.py. You are given two TODOs in this file

  1. Attach the server to listen for incoming connections on a specific port number. HINT: which port number does the client connect to?

  2. Complete the call to sock.recvfrom(1024), to receive data in our socket "mailbox" from the client. Look at the python documentation for sock.recvfrom(), to see a list of the return values.

  3. Next, let’s copy our hello_world_server.py to volumes. And copy it over to Host B.

  4. You should now be able to reproduce the same wireshark image we had above with our client and server talking to each other.

In lab5-worksheet.adoc, explain your choice of port number for your server program.

Task 3: Using Scapy to Sniff and Spoof Packets

In this task, we will use Scapy an interactive program to construct packets from the Link Layer all the way up to the Application Layer. Scapy integrates with Python, and we can import Scapy as a module and use the functions that Scapy provides. Here’s a basic overview of Scapy.

  • In your VM you can run the following commands, to create a simple IP packet.

    $sudo python3
    Python 3.8.5 (default, Jul 28 2020, 12:59:40)
    [GCC 9.3.0] on linux
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> from scapy.all import *
    ## The next command creates an IP-layer packet a.
    >>> a = IP()  \\create an IP packet with default values.
    >>> a.show()
    ###[ IP ]###
     version   = 4
     ihl       = None
     tos       = 0x0
     len       = None
     id        = 1
     flags     =
     frag      = 0
     ttl       = 64
     proto     = hopopt
     chksum    = None
     src       =
     dst       =
     \options   \
     >>>> ls(IP)
    version    : BitField  (4 bits)                  = (4)
    ihl        : BitField  (4 bits)                  = (None)
    tos        : XByteField                          = (0)
    len        : ShortField                          = (None)
    id         : ShortField                          = (1)
    flags      : FlagsField  (3 bits)                = (<Flag 0 ()>)
    frag       : BitField  (13 bits)                 = (0)
    ttl        : ByteField                           = (64)
    proto      : ByteEnumField                       = (0)
    chksum     : XShortField                         = (None)
    src        : SourceIPField                       = (None)
    dst        : DestIPField                         = (None)
    options    : PacketListField                     = ([])


For the sniff and spoof scapy code we will write below, we will need to run with root priveleges.

  • Linux OS uses a fail-safe-default of preventing users from sniffing packets on the wire promiscuously, and also writing fake packets (i.e., spoofing).

  • Therefore, for all the .py files below, run them using sudo as follows:

    lab5$ sudo sniff_packets.py
    lab5$ sudo sniff_tcp+packets.py
    lab5$ sudo sniff_spoof_icmp.py
  • If you run your code inside the docker containers, you are by default logged in as root. So you don’t need to use sudo inside the docker containers.

Construct a spoofed packet

We can now use Scapy to construct spoofed packets. I.e., malicious packets from an attacker (either MiTM, on-path or off-path attacker).

  • As an example, let’s build the same UDP packet we built in our hello_world_client.py using Scapy. This time we will construct the packet "from scratch".

    • I.e., we will specify the source and destination IP addresses, and source and destination UDP addresses.

      >>> a = IP(src='', dst = '')
      >>> b = UDP(sport = 1234, dport = 1020)
      >>> c = 'Hello World'
    • Finally we will encapsulate our packet - i.e., put our application layer payload inside UDP, and UDP inside IP using the following command:

      >>> pkt = a/b/c
    • Now that we have built our packet we can look at the packet using pkt.show().

>>> pkt.show()
###[ IP ]###
  version   = 4
  ihl       = None
  tos       = 0x0
  len       = None
  id        = 1
  flags     =
  frag      = 0
  ttl       = 64
  proto     = udp
  chksum    = None
  src       =
  dst       =
  \options   \
###[ UDP ]###
     sport     = 1234
     dport     = 1020
     len       = None
     chksum    = None
###[ Raw ]###
        load      = 'Hello World

Sniff Packets using Scapy

The objective of this task is to learn how to use Scapy to do packet sniffing in Python. Packet sniffing is a technique to observe network traffic, undetected. Sample code for this task is provided in the lab5 folder in sniff_packets.py.

  1. Go through the code in sniff_packets.py and describe the filters we have setup for this task in lab5-worksheet.adoc. Specifically, state the network interface, or iface we are using and what the filter we have set corresponds to. I.e., the properties of the packets we are trying to observe.

  2. Modify sniff_packets.py to observe network traffic on the net- network interface as well.

  3. Next, copy sniff_packets.py to sniff_tcp_packets.py. Only capture TCP packets on the destination port number 80.

Spoofing ICMP packets

As a packet spoofing tool, Scapy allows us to set the fields of IP packets to arbitrary values. The objective of this taks is to spoof IP packets with an arbitrary source IP address.

  • We will spoof ICMP echo request packets and send them to another VM on the same network. We will use Wireshark to observe whether our request will be accepted by the receiver. Read up on ICMP packets in the Handy References section.

  • If it is accepted, an echo reply packet will be sent to the spoofed IP address. Here’s an example of how you might set this up in Scapy:

    $ sudo python3
    >>> from scapy.all import *
    >>> a = IP()
    >>> a.dst = ''
    >>> b = ICMP()          # create an ICMP echo request
    >>> pkt = a/b
    >>> send(pkt)
    Sent 1 packet
  • If we now run ls(a) we should see the following:

    >>> ls(a)
    version    : BitField (4 bits)   = 4                 (4)
    ihl        : BitField (4 bits)   = None              (None)
    tos        : XByteField          = 0                 (0)
    len        : ShortField          = None              (None)
    id         : ShortField          = 1                 (1)
    flags      : FlagsField (3 bits)  = <Flag 0 ()>      (<Flag 0 ()>)
    frag       : BitField (13 bits)   = 0                (0)
    ttl        : ByteField            = 64               (64)
    proto      : ByteEnumField        = 0                (0)
    chksum     : XShortField          = None             (None)
    src        : SourceIPField        = ’’      (None)
    dst        : DestIPField             = ’’     (None)
    options    : PacketListField         = []              ([])
Use the above code snippet as a starting point to write your own spoof_icmp.py code.

Sniffing and then Spoofing

In this task, you will combine the sniffing and spoofing techniques to implement it in a python file called sniff_spoof_icmp.py.

  • You need two machines on the same LAN: the attacker and one of the host docker containers. From the host docker container, you ping IP X. This will generate an ICMP echo request packet. If X is a valid end-host, the ping program will receive an echo reply, and print out the response.

  • Your sniff_spoof_icmp.py code runs on the attacker container, which monitors the LAN through packet sniffing. Whenever it sees an ICMP echo request, regardless of what the target IP address is, your program should immediately send out an echo reply with a spoofed packet.

  • Therefore, regardless of whether machine X is valid or not, the ping program will always receive a reply, indicating that X is valid.

  • Since this is a response to an ICMP request, your task is to observe the request packet in wireshark, and use the fields in the ICMP request appropriately to construct your response.

  • Your response should contain the IP header and the ICMP header and payload (if it exists). For the IP header, specify the Source and Destination fields and set the TTL field to 99.

  • ICMP just like the TCP header we saw in class, has certain fields like the ID field that need to match to construct a valid response. Try running a ping and observe the request/response fields in wireshark as a guideline for constructing your own spoofed responses.

  • Your code should also set the type field correctly in the ICMP request/response. Take a look here at the type codes for ICMP messages.

  • To include the payload for the ICMP packet, you can use the following check pkt.haslayer(Raw). If the packet has payload then you can access it using data = pkt[Raw].load. Your code should then encapsulate the data inside the ICMP packet.

  • To test your program, you should ping the following two IP addresses from the user container.

    ping     # a non-existing host on the Internet
    ping     # an existing host on the Internet
In lab5-worksheet.adoc write your responses you see on the echo client when you call ping When you call ping explain why you observe duplicate responses. Explain whether you can tell the two responses apart, and which you think is generally faster to arrive at the client.