CS35 Lab 12: Ticket To Ride - Part C: Contest

Due by 11:59 p.m., Tuesday, April 29, 2014

You've already seen requirements for Lab 12 in Part A and Part B. I'll be giving out prizes for the best lab submissions. This short writeup specifies the requirements for competing for the Ticket To Ride prizes on Wednesday. Some things to note:

Deliverables. In addition to all the requirements of the main lab, you should push the additional features as much as you can. Your assignment will be judged on creativity and on execution. What features can you add to your lab? These features could either (i) help a user play TTR beyond what the main lab requirements do, (ii) make it easier to play TTR by, for example, improving the graphics of the map printout, and/or (iii) add in features that allow users to actually play the game.

In addition to implementing new features, you will be required to make a short presentation during lab hours. This presentation will last 8-10 minutes, depending on how many groups sign up. During this presentation, you should:

Your submissions will be judged by me, Frances, the ninjas, and your fellow students. We'll grade you on Good luck, and have fun!