CS35 Lab 6: Quicksort

Code due by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, October 26.

This will again be a partnered lab. For this lab, you must work with the same parter you had for lab 5. As usual, run update35 to get the initial files for this lab. Note: after running update35, you should see an 06 subdirectory of your 05 directory (i.e., you'll get a directory cs35/labs/05/06). We put lab 06 here because you'll be submitting labs 5 and 6 simultaneously, and this will enable you to submit both with one command.

This lab consists of three parts:

  1. A short problem set to get experience working through merge sort and quick sort
  2. Complete a templated implementation of quickSort and its helper function, partition
  3. Thoroughly test your quickSort implementation.

Problem Set
This problem set generalizes the findMax and findMin problems you've seen previously. The median of an array of n items is the element in the middle. If n is odd, then exactly (n-1)/2 elements are smaller than the median, and (n-1)/2 elements are bigger. (If n is even, define the median so that n/2 items are bigger, and n/2-1 items are smaller).
  1. Using only pseudocode, describe a divide-and-conquer algorithm findMedian(A) for finding the median element of an array. Your solution must be faster than simply sorting the array and finding the element in the middle. You may use methods defined in class (such as partition, merge, swap) without redefining them. HINT: your solution should look very similar to one of mergeSort or quickSort. Which of these two algorithms can be shortened to find the median?
  2. Again, using only pseudocode, describe a divide-and-conquer algorithm findKthBiggest(A,k) for finding the kth biggest item in the array. As with the median algorithm, your solution must be fast, and you may use methods defined in class without redefining them.
Include pseudocode for both algorithms in the appropriate places in your README file.

Completing quickSort and partition

The templated quick sort algorithm is to be defined in quickSort.h and quickSort-inl.h. We have provided the declaration for you, so no modifications are needed in quickSort.h. The algorithm is broken into four components:

To complete this work, you mainly only need to code in the locations marked with TODO. Once you are done, you can test your work using the provided testQuickSort program which sorts an array of ints for you. Specifically, implement the following:

Test quickSort

As you complete your quickSort, you should test your implementation using the code provided in testQuickSort. We have provided one test sorting an array of ints. You will need to study the implementation using the files testQuickSort.cpp and helper functions in randArray.h/-inl.h. Then, add two more tests to testQuickSort:

Once you have completed the test, note how this is an example of polymorphism. We have written a sorting method that can work on any data type as long as it has a defined method for comparing two objects. While it is beyond the scope of the assignment, you should think about how you can compare two Point objects and note that this would allow you to sort an array of Point objects. For example, we could define the following comparator that returns true if a has a smaller x value OR a smaller yvalue if the x value's are equal:

bool lessPoints(Point a, Point b){
  if(a.getX() == b.getX()){
    return a.getY() < b.getY();
  } else if(a.getX() < b.getX()){
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;


Run handin35 to submit your quick sort implementation, test program, and solutions to the pseudocode problems.