Removed Phrases --------------- one of the , 17 part of the , 16 to be a , 15 to be the , 15 the fact that , 14 the rest of , 13 as well as , 13 the beginning of , 12 the end of , 12 a lot of , 12 be able to , 12 out of the , 11 beginning of the , 10 One of the , 10 that he is , 9 that it is , 9 to make the , 9 in the first , 9 is one of , 9 due to the , 9 that it was , 8 the course of , 8 the middle of , 8 whether or not , 8 back to the , 8 is that the , 8 it is not , 8 end of the , 8 rest of the , 8 Plagiarism Cases: ----------------- jrf1109.txt --- sra31.txt : 1625 hits abf0704.txt --- edo26.txt : 589 hits abf0704.txt --- abf70402.txt : 502 hits bef1121.txt --- edo14.txt : 402 hits abf70402.txt --- edo26.txt : 171 hits bwa242.txt --- bwa249.txt : 33 hits bwa137.txt --- edo20.txt : 27 hits bwa132.txt --- bwa137.txt : 23 hits sra126.txt --- sra42.txt : 23 hits bwa242.txt --- sra42.txt : 20 hits edo20.txt --- prz100.txt : 19 hits bwa137.txt --- bwa249.txt : 19 hits abf0704.txt --- edo20.txt : 17 hits edo20.txt --- sra126.txt : 17 hits bwa233.txt --- bwa242.txt : 16 hits bwa242.txt --- sra126.txt : 16 hits bef1121.txt --- sra42.txt : 16 hits bmu415.txt --- bwa137.txt : 16 hits bmu386.txt --- bmu390.txt : 15 hits bef1121.txt --- sra126.txt : 15 hits bwa137.txt --- bwa86.txt : 15 hits bwa242.txt --- edo20.txt : 14 hits bwa8.txt --- edo20.txt : 14 hits bwa86.txt --- sra126.txt : 14 hits bef1121.txt --- bwa137.txt : 14 hits esv254.txt --- sra126.txt : 14 hits bwa132.txt --- bwa133.txt : 14 hits bmu415.txt --- edo20.txt : 13 hits bwa242.txt --- bwa86.txt : 13 hits bwa249.txt --- bwa86.txt : 13 hits bmu390.txt --- bmu415.txt : 13 hits bmu390.txt --- prz100.txt : 13 hits edo20.txt --- esv254.txt : 13 hits bmu386.txt --- bmu400.txt : 13 hits bwa137.txt --- bwa8.txt : 13 hits abf0704.txt --- bwa242.txt : 12 hits bwa233.txt --- bwa86.txt : 12 hits bmu386.txt --- prz100.txt : 12 hits abf0704.txt --- bmu390.txt : 12 hits bwa240.txt --- sra42.txt : 12 hits bwa242.txt --- prz100.txt : 12 hits bwa8.txt --- sra42.txt : 12 hits bef1121.txt --- bwa242.txt : 12 hits bwa132.txt --- sra126.txt : 12 hits bwa137.txt --- esv254.txt : 12 hits bmu386.txt --- bwa242.txt : 12 hits bmu415.txt --- esv254.txt : 11 hits bmu415.txt --- sra126.txt : 11 hits bmu389.txt --- bmu390.txt : 11 hits bwa242.txt --- ecu201.txt : 11 hits bwa0.txt --- bwa242.txt : 11 hits bwa249.txt --- edo20.txt : 11 hits bmu390.txt --- bmu400.txt : 11 hits bwa86.txt --- bwa87.txt : 11 hits bwa87.txt --- sra126.txt : 11 hits ecu201.txt --- edo20.txt : 11 hits ecu201.txt --- sra42.txt : 11 hits esv254.txt --- sra42.txt : 11 hits jrf1109.txt --- sra42.txt : 11 hits sra31.txt --- sra42.txt : 11 hits bwa133.txt --- bwa137.txt : 11 hits bmu386.txt --- hal10.txt : 10 hits bmu415.txt --- prz100.txt : 10 hits bmu389.txt --- bmu415.txt : 10 hits bwa0.txt --- bwa249.txt : 10 hits bmu389.txt --- bwa137.txt : 10 hits bwa0.txt --- bwa86.txt : 10 hits bwa249.txt --- sra126.txt : 10 hits bwa249.txt --- sra42.txt : 10 hits bmu389.txt --- prz100.txt : 10 hits bmu390.txt --- bmu5.txt : 10 hits bwa86.txt --- sra42.txt : 10 hits edo20.txt --- edo26.txt : 10 hits edo20.txt --- sra42.txt : 10 hits jrf1109.txt --- sra126.txt : 10 hits sra107.txt --- sra126.txt : 10 hits sra126.txt --- sra31.txt : 10 hits bwa131.txt --- prz100.txt : 10 hits bwa132.txt --- prz100.txt : 10 hits Performance Statistics ---------------------- Max height: 33 Average height: 22.5443 Average size: 1182.2 Average size to height ratio: 48.9578