Lab 1: Network from Scratch


In this lab you will work with your classmates to construct a local area network (LAN) from basic principles. First, you an a partner will work together to network two machines via such that you can run the chat server/client software provided. Following, you will join your small, two-person network with the rest of the classes network, and, finally, we will create a gateway such that Internet traffic can exit the LAN.

Oh, and you also have to crimp your own cables!


You may consult the Internet, your classmates, or your book to answer the lab questions.

Associated Files

Group Work

Part 1 and 2 of this lab is to be done with a lab partner. Be sure to indicate your lab partner in your lab write-up. Part 3 and 4 will be done class-wide.

Part 1: Cat-V Cables and RJ-45

In this part of the lab you will crimp your own cable with your lab partner. Individually, you and your lab partner you will each crimp a standard RJ-45 cable and a single single RJ-45 cross-over cable. A wiring chart will be provided to you in lab, as well as requisite equipment, such as a cable crimper.


Part 2: Two-Person Network

In this part of the lab, you and were partner must setup a two-person network that connect your computers together using the cross-over cable from part 1. To accomplish this task, you must manually configure your wired network interface.

On your computer, you must first turn off DHCP, and instead select manual setup. Next, you and your partner need to choose different IP addresses in the 10.0.0.X range. Finally, provide a netmask of You can ignore the gateway/router setting for now.

Once your network is setup, test it using the ping command, ensuring that each of you can ping the other computer at the choose 10.0.0.X address. To run ping, open a terminal and issue the command:

shell> ping 10.0.0.x

Following, run the chat_client/server software and have a chat with across your little local network. To start a chat, each person must first start the chat server:

shell> python
And next, in a separate terminal, run the chat client
shell> python 10.0.0.x
Where 10.0.0.x is replaced with the IP address of the server destination. Additionaly, these programs have other options, which we can discuss if needed.


Part 3: LAN

In this part, you will expand your local network to include another group, a total of four computers. Grab a switch and using the standard RJ-45 cable, everyone connect to the switch. Make sure that everyone selects a unique IP address. Run the chat_server/client program again and ensure that everyone can communicate with each other.

Once completed, continue to expand your local network to include other groups by connecting switches to switches until everyone in the lab is on the same local network. To see who is connected, you can ping the broadcast address like so:

shell> python


Part 4: Gateway to the Internet

Finally, we will setup a gateway/router connecting the class-wide LAN to the Internet. I will provide the gateway/router on IP address
