pimento[w07]$ python3 squareText.py Enter the size of the square: 3 *** *** *** pimento[w07]$ python3 squareText.py Enter the size of the square: 3 *** *** *** pimento[w07]$ python3 design-checkbook.py Enter your balance: 1000 Enter a choice: withdraw (w) deposit (d) quit (q) q pimento[w07]$ python3 design-checkbook.py Enter your balance: 1000 Enter a choice: withdraw (w) deposit (d) quit (q) w withdraw Enter a choice: withdraw (w) deposit (d) quit (q) w withdraw Enter a choice: withdraw (w) deposit (d) quit (q) w withdraw Enter a choice: withdraw (w) deposit (d) quit (q) d deposit Enter a choice: withdraw (w) deposit (d) quit (q) d deposit Enter a choice: withdraw (w) deposit (d) quit (q) d deposit Enter a choice: withdraw (w) deposit (d) quit (q) d deposit Enter a choice: withdraw (w) deposit (d) quit (q) q pimento[w07]$ python3 design-checkbook.py Enter your balance: 100 Enter a choice: withdraw (w) deposit (d) quit (q) w withdraw 100 Enter a choice: withdraw (w) deposit (d) quit (q) w withdraw 100 Enter a choice: withdraw (w) deposit (d) quit (q) w withdraw 100 Enter a choice: withdraw (w) deposit (d) quit (q) d deposit 100 Enter a choice: withdraw (w) deposit (d) quit (q) d deposit 100 Enter a choice: withdraw (w) deposit (d) quit (q) q pimento[w07]$ cp design-checkbook.py checkbook.py pimento[w07]$ atom checkbook.py pimento[w07]$