""" Some tests of the Frog class. DO NOT PUT YOUR SOLUTION TO THE LAB IN THIS FILE. """ from graphics import * from frog import * def main(): window = GraphWin("sample", 500, 500) frog1 = Frog(Point(250, 250), 25) frog1.draw(window) #click to continue window.getMouse() frog1.setFill("yellow") frog1.move(50, 0) #click to continue window.getMouse() frog2 = frog1.clone() frog2.setFill("blue") frog2.move(-200, 0) frog2.draw(window) #click to continue window.getMouse() # get the point representing the lowest point of the frog (the # lowest point of the left leg) leftLeg1 = frog1.getLeftFoot() print "The lowest point of the frog1's left leg was located at:" print "(%d, %d)" % (leftLeg1.getX(), leftLeg1.getY()) leftLeg2 = frog2.getLeftFoot() print "The lowest point of the frog2's left leg was located at:" print "(%d, %d)" % (leftLeg2.getX(), leftLeg2.getY()) main()