Swarthmore College Department of Computer Science

What is Pine?

Pine is an electronic mail program you can use on the CS machines to access your cs email.

How do I start pine?

On the command line, type "pine" (without the quotes).

allspice[~]$ pine

How do I enter addresses?

Separate each one with a comma. You can put in newlines (returns) wherever you want.

If someone else has a CS account, do I have to type out their username AND "@cs.swarthmore.edu"?

No. Just type their username then press Tab to Tab-complete. It will add the @cs.swarthmore.edu for you and fill in the person's full name as listed in the "users" file. However, if it is another type of address, maybe a swat one or an SCCS address, it will add the same ending. Only do this with CS user names.

Can pine remember other addresses?

Yes! Pine has an address book. In the first screen when you open pine, you can use the command A for Address Book. The command "@" makes a new entry.

How do HTML and Rich-Text e-mails look in pine?

Pine is a text-based e-mail program, so the e-mails are converted to text when necessary. You will not see formatting.

How do I send attachments in pine?

After you have opened an e-mail, do Ctrl-J (listed as ^J at bottom of screen). You must write in the file name AND path. So not just "cs21_program", but "CS21/Programs/cs21_program". If you do not know the path, press Ctrl-T (listed as ^T) and search through your directories by using P and N or the arrowkeys to highlight the directory you want to use and S or Return to open the directories and select the file. To go back to the parent directory, highlight the ".." and select it. If you want to exit, press E, otherwise, select the file. You will then be asked for a comment about the attachment, this is for the person you're sending it to.

How do I open attachments in pine?

After opening the message, press >. Highlight the attachment using P and N or the arrow keys. You may either press S and save the attachment to your home directory or you can do Ctrl-T (^T) and maneuver through the directories to choose one to save the attachment in and select it as shown above. To choose the current directory, highlight and select ".".

How do I delete old mail?

You can delete mail folders manually by pressing L to get to the folder list then selecting the folder you want to delete and pressing D. Additionally, every month, you will be asked if you want to delete old mail folders. You do not have to delete old mail, but if you keep a lot of it, you may use a lot of space in your directory and get closer to your quota.

How will I remember all these commands?

The relevant commands are listed at the bottom of the window. If a command is not listed, there may be a command "O" to show other possible commands. If it isn't there, it cannot be used in the current screen.

Also, remember:

^ = Ctrl

Ret = Return

TAB = Tab key

Some Pine Commands (these letters do not need to be capitalized)

Sometimes a letter will appear twice because it does different things on different screens. Some commands may have other meanings not listed here. Check the bottom of the pine window to be sure.

Q Quit (this can be used at any time you are not in text-typing mode)
M Main Menu (this is the first screen that comes up when you enter pine)
I Open Message Index (Your Inbox)
C Compose Message (Make a New Message) [This is its usual meaning]
L Open Folder List (Shows you all Mail Folders: Sent, Inbox, Saved, Etc)
R Rename [it's meaning in the folder list]
O Show Other Commands.
D Delete (Highlighted) Message
U Undelete (Highlighted) Message (after deleting it)
P Previous Message
N Next Message
< Go Back to Previous Screen (Go Up a Folder)
> Open (What is Highlighted. Could be a folder, message, or attachment)
R Reply to a Message [this is it's meaning for messages]
E Copies a message to a file [when you are in a message]
^G and ? Both Commands Open Help. ^G when you are in text-typing mode, ? when you are not.
^D Deletes the current character (works
^C Cancel
^X Send a message or finish current work
K KBlock (Temporarily Lock Pine With a Password So No One Can Access it)
A Open the Address Book
@ Add New Address (to address book)
E Exit from a screen
C Compose a Message to (the Highlighted Name) [This is its meaning in the Address Book]